Python script to monitor temperature, memory usage, etc. from a Remote Raspberry Pi, sending it to an MQTT server in Domoticz format.
If you want to monitor disk usage, look at
- Only works on Raspberry Pi
- Requires package python3
- Requires mosquitto mqtt server
- Requires paho.mqtt (pip3 install paho-mqtt)
- Install the python script in /usr/bin on remote server.
- Install piremotemonitor in /etc/init.d on remote server.
- Make both scripts executable : chmod 755
- Make the server autostart : sudo update-rc.d piremotemonitor defaults
- Alternatively start the python script from crontab, go to the bottom of the script for instructions
- Make devices (hardware virtual-switch) in Domoticz (look at the python script for the device type)
- Adapt the python script for MQTT server and Domoticz device Indexes at top of the script.
- No plugin needed at Domoticz, the plugin is replaced by MQTT server
- Uptime converted to days (was linux ticks)
- Useable as systemd startup and crontab
- Adjustable time interfall (default every 60 seconds) in daemon mode
The following parameters are displayed:
Name | Description |
CPU temperature | Shows the current CPU temperature |
GPU temperature | Shows the current GPU temperature |
CPU memory | Size of allocated memory for CPU |
GPU memory | Size of allocated memory for GPU (specified with eg. raspi-config) |
Memory usage | Percentage of CPU memory in use |
CPU usage | Percentage of CPU usage |
CPU speed | Current CPU speed |
CPU count | Number of CPUs/cores |
Up time | Up time of the Pi, in sec, minutes, hours or days |
Connections | Number of active network connections |
Core voltage | Core voltage |
SDRAM C voltage | SDRAM C voltage |
SDRAM I voltage | SDRAM I voltage |
SDRAM P voltage | SDRAM P voltage |
Domoticz memory | Amount of memory used by Domoticz |