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Preperation For Exams

Harsh Narayan Jha edited this page Aug 29, 2023 · 1 revision

Preperation For Exams

For Exam Admins

Now it's time to add the Exams. First you need to add Exam Types, and then Exam Sets. Think of a Exam Type as any thing for a student that shall be marked, and included in the resultcard for a students in that session. This includes all the traditional Exams like Periodic Tests, Half Yearly, Preboards, Monthly Tests, Session Ending, and even Boards, but also other marking setups like Notebook, Subject Enrichment, Practicals, Oral Tests, Discipline, Co-curricular Activities etc. All of these types must be created using the Add Exam Type page.

Next, we create Exam Sets. Think of a Exam Set as a collection of Exam Types that a particular Class takes in a session. This Set is used when results are calculated, and since each class may have a completely different set of exams conducted. Create a New Exam Set, choose Class, and then add all the Exam Types that shall be conducted in thhat class, along with thier weigtages, if any. Save it

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For Teachers

You don't need to do anything here, jump to Managing Exams

For Students

For now, there's literally no need for students to directly interact with the website, but for upcoming versions, we are thinking to add some.

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