A Blog application for Alt school second semester examination
Bloggy is a tech blog where techies, developers, tech enthusiast can publish their work, share their knowledge and document their learning process. You can read, post, edit, and delete blogs on Bloggy.
Bloggy is an examination project created by Hauwa Ibrahim an Altschool Africa student learning Backend engineering.
It is built with Python, Html, Css, Flask, jinja2
To run the project locally on your PC, you need to have python installed from Python website. Then follow the steps below:
On your terminal clone this repo
git clone https://github.com/Hauwarh/Bloggy-app.git
Activate the virtual environment
source blogvir/bin/activate
(on Linux and MacOs)blogvir\Scripts\activate
(on Windows) -
Install project package and dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
Run Flask
python app.py
Open the link generated in the terminal
Distributed under the MIT LICENSE. See LICENSE for more information.