Thank you to Woeful Wolf again for helping me with Rust and for providing the base components that make this tool work!
- Precice Timing of routes
- Automatic comparison and sorting of times
- 3D visualization with depth-buffer rendering
For planned features and an overview of what I'm working on, read my Todo.
If you have an idea for a feature please feel free to message me on discord!
I'm also happy to receive pull requests :)
- Download the latest release
Google Chrome might block the download, use Firefox instead
- Put it in your game folder next to NieRAutomata.exe
- Rename "celestial.dll" to one of the supported files below
Game | Working Proxies |
NieR:Automata | d3d11.dll (recommended) , dxgi.dll , dinput8.dll |
- Look up default keybinds in the config tab
- Create a Path Collection with the "+" button
- Activate a collection with its record button
- Place a start and an end trigger
- Start recording a path by leaving the start trigger and finish by entering the end trigger
- The finished path will be added to the active collection
- Highlight a path by clicking on the time
- Use the buttons labeled "M" ("Mute") and "S" ("Solo") to hide / only show the selected path
After multiple recordings with the same set of triggers, the different paths will be sorted from fastest to slowest within their collection and colored on a gradient (default: green -> red) with the fastest being highlighted (default: gold).
There are two types of filters marked by the little up-arrow. If you activate the filter mode on a collection, that collection will only accept a new path if it is faster than all paths in that collection. You can also set the filter on a specific time by right clicking on it. Now only paths faster than this time will be accepted and the filter will stay fixed.
Windows Defender might prevent the game from running whith the mod installed. I currently don't know what to do about this so you'll have to make an exception for the NieR:Autonata folder for the time being. Google Chrome will not even download the dll.