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Mathis Dröge edited this page Sep 30, 2022 · 1 revision

First things first: On Linux, the EOS Overlay is installed once (globally) but enabled per-game. You'll have to repeat the instructions below for each game you want to use the overlay with

  1. Click on the game's logo in the library to get to the Game Page:
  2. Click "Tools" -> "Enable EOS Overlay":

    Heroic will now install the overlay (if not installed already) and enable it for this game
  3. Enable DXVK:
    Go back to the "Info" tab and click "Settings":

    In the "Wine Extensions" tab, make sure "Auto Install/Update DXVK on Prefix" is checked:
  4. Install corefonts
    Go back to the "Wine" tab of the Game Settings & click the "Winetricks" button (scrolling down might be necessary):

    After a while, this window should pop up:
    Make sure "Select the default wineprefix" is selected, then click "OK" at the bottom.
    After that, select "Install a font" & again click OK:

    In the font list, make sure corefonts is ticked, then click OK:

    Winetricks will now close and install the fonts. It might take a couple of minutes. Any warning messages about a 64-bit prefix can be ignored.
    Once everything's installed, the font list will open up again. Click "Cancel"/close the window 3 times to quit out of Winetricks
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