BPrune is developed to perform inference and pruning of Bayesian Neural Networks(BNN) models developed with Tensorflow and Tensorflow Probability. The BNN's supported by the package are one which uses mean field approximation principle of VI i.e uses gaussian to define the priors on the weights. Currently, the pruning threshold is based on the signal to noise ratio threshold.
- Library for performing inference for trained Bayesian Neural Network (BNN).
- Library for performing pruning trained Bayesian Neural Network(BNN).
- Supports Tensorflow and Tensorflow_probability based Bayesian Neural Network model architecture.
- Independent to the BNN's learning task, support BNN models for classification & regression.
- Capabilities of handling BNN's which are trained with distributed training libraries such as Horovod.
Note: Tensorflow and Tensorflow Probability environment
Following the instructions below you can get the environment setuped.
conda create --name PyTF conda activate PyTF conda install -c anaconda tensorflow==1.15 pip install --upgrade tensorflow-probability==0.8 conda install seaborn
The PyPI package link
pip install BPrune
The python3 package based installation.
python3 install -r requirements.txt python3 install setup.py
If you are using a pip installation, simply do
python3 -m pip install BPrune
- For development of the package following command can be used after git clone.
python3 setup.py develop
Before running the model for inference or for pruning ensure that at the end of the training script details about the layer names and operations in the graph are written as text files.
To achieve this user can use the utility provided with BPrune named as Graph_Info_Writer.
The usage of the utility is described as follows:
import numpy as np import tensorflow as tf : import bprune.src.utils as UT # # All the code for training the BNN ... .. .. # This path will be used as model_dir path in the argument when running BNN for inference case_dir = path/to/the/casefolder UT.Graph_Info_Writer(case_dir)
For successful run of BPrune following files ('LayerNames.txt', 'Ops_name_BNN.txt') must be present in the case directory. The above described procedure will ensure these files are written at the end of the BNN training procedure.
Once the required text files are written at the end of training, BPrune can be used. The example use case can be found in example folder with the package.
The runtime arguments to a BPrune code can be provide using command-line or can be specified using a text file each line stating the argument. example:
python Prune_BNN_MNIST_Model.py @ArgFilePrune.txt
- Only support models trained using tensorflow placeholders for feeding data to the graph.
- Pruning Algorithm for models using other than Mean Field approximation functions for Variational Inference.
- Unit-Test for the functionalities.
MLA Format
Sharma, H., Jennings, E. Bayesian neural networks at scale: a performance analysis and pruning study. J Supercomput (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11227-020-03401-z
Bibtex Format(Arxiv):
@article{sharma2020bayesian, title={Bayesian Neural Networks at Scale: A Performance Analysis and Pruning Study}, author={Sharma, Himanshu and Jennings, Elise}, journal={Journal of Supercomputing}, doi={10.1007/s11227-020-03401-z}, year={2020}}
This research used resources of the Argonne Leadership Computing Facility, which is a DOE Office of Science User Facility supported under Contract DE-AC02-06CH11357. This research was funded in part and used resources of the Argonne Leadership Computing Facility, which is a DOE Office of Science User Facility supported under Contract DE-AC02-06CH11357. This paper describes objective technical results and analysis. Any subjective views or opinions that might be expressed in the paper do not necessarily represent the views of the U.S. DOE or the United States Government. Declaration of Interests - None.