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Arlink Gatsby Starter

This starter template helps you build decentralized applications on Arweave using Gatsby.

Looking for other Arweave templates? Check out the Arlink template marketplace for more options.

🚀 Quick start (Arlink)

Deploy this starter with one click on Arlink ⚡️:

🚀 Quick start

  1. Create an ArLink site.

    Use the Gatsby CLI to create a new site with this starter.

    # create a new Gatsby site using the ArLink starter
    gatsby new my-arweave-app
  2. Start developing.

    Navigate into your site's directory and start the development server.

    cd my-arweave-app/
    gatsby develop
  3. Start building!

    Your site is now running at http://localhost:8000!

    The GraphQL playground is available at http://localhost:8000/___graphql for querying your local data.

    Open the my-arweave-app directory in your code editor and start building your decentralized application!

🧐 What's inside?

Key files and directories in this Arweave-ready Gatsby project:

├── node_modules
├── src
├── .gitignore
├── gatsby-browser.js
├── gatsby-config.js
├── gatsby-node.js
├── gatsby-ssr.js
├── package.json
  1. /src: Contains all the front-end code, Arweave integration components, and page templates.

  2. gatsby-config.js: Configure your site metadata, Arweave connection settings, and Gatsby plugins.

  3. gatsby-browser.js: Configure Arweave wallet connections and browser-specific features.

🎓 Learning Resources

💫 Deploy

There are two ways to deploy your application:

1. Deploy with Arlink (Recommended)

Build and Deploy on Arlink - The easiest way to deploy your Gatsby site to the permaweb.

  1. Connect your Arweave wallet
  2. Import your project
  3. Click deploy

Your site will be permanently available on the permaweb through Arlink's gateway.

🤝 Contributing

Contributions are welcome! Please read our contributing guidelines for details.

📝 License

This project is licensed under the MIT License.


Cloned from ARlinklabs/gatsby-starter







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