A custom scene loader component that makes it really easy to load unity scenes
You can install or import Scene Loader in your project through the following wayss:
Using the native Unity Package Manager introduced in 2017.2, you can add this library as a package by modifying your manifest.json
file found at /ProjectName/Packages/manifest.json
to include it as a dependency. See the example below on how to reference it.
"dependencies": {
"com.ng.homealonestudios.papae.tools.sceneloader" : "https://github.com/Home-Alone-Studios/scene-loader.git?path=/Assets",
Or you can simply add the URL https://github.com/Home-Alone-Studios/scene-loader.git?path=/Assets in package manager as shown below
Synchronous scene demo- Asynchronous scene load
Preloaded asynchronous scene demo- Asynchronous scene load with user inteface and userfeedback progress
- Asynchronous load and unload of different portions (scenes) of a full 3D level or map
- Asynchronous scene load with user inteface and userfeedback progress via SceneLoadManager
- Asynchronous load of multiple dependent scenes with user inteface and userfeedback progress via SceneLoadManager
Coming soon.