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Daniel Krook - IBM | SW Eng & Developer Advocate
- IBM profile krook
- github krook
- resume 🔗
- slideshare DanielKrook
- linkedin krook
- twitter DanielKrook
Matt Langbehn - IBM | Open Cloud Innovation
- github mlangbehn
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- twitter realroamingmatt
Upkar Lidder - IBM | Full stack spring and nodejs
- linkedin upkarlidder
- github lidderupk
- slides upkar
- crowdcast (sign-in to replay)
- serverless workshop seattle
- pandas data-wrangling-and-exploration
- interview developer relations strategy
- talks
Dave Nugent - IBM | Developer
Marek Sadowski
- IBM profile mwsadows
- github blumareks
- linkedin mareksadowski
- crowdcast (sign-in to replay)
- twitter blumareks
Jenna Ritten