- isImport - Defines if the task is an import or export task
- refNr - Referenz Number
- conWeight - weight of the Container
- conSize - size of the Container
- relNr - when there is a predefined container number (EXPORT)
- conNr - container number (IMPORT)
- date - date of the transport task (in the the format YYYY-MM-DD)
- time - time of the transport task (in the the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm)
- out - depot
- loadRef - loading number (EXPORT)
- description - all aditional informations for the driver
- retNr - delivery referenze (EXPORT) shipping company (IMPORT)
- dangerousGoods - (boolean) defines if dangerous goods are transported (ADR transports)
- heavy - (boolean) defines if transport is heavier than normal transports
- isRefrigerated - (boolean) defines if the goods are refrigerated
- contacts - (array) array of contacts with fields
- addresses - (array) array of all task addresses witch have the fields