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Smart-Dispo API Documentation

Smart-Dispo provides an API for importing, changing and canceling transport tasks. All of those actions are triggered by simple REAST API calls that are described in this documentation

Main concept

The Smart-Dispo REST API uses all common standards and formats.

For creating, changing and canceling container tasks we use the HTTP methods POST, PUT and DELETE.

The data in the request body can have all common data formats like json, xml, form-data etc.. We would recommend to use json but you are free to chosse any the common formats.

To be able to use this API you would need some informations from us. Some of them like the URL are public and others like your personal Access Key are private. You would also need informations about the Terminal ID-s to be able to send your order to the right staff department.

It's also importand to know that every request from you is creating a request in our application witch has to be accepted manually by our staff. A confirmation that your request is successful doesn't mean that it is already an accepted container transport task.

Let's now take a look how our HTTP request URL and Body should look like.


All actions can be accomplished by calling a simple HTTP request. Depending on the Body content and HTTP method you will be able to create a request for creating a transport task, changing or canceling it.

The URL has 3 parts:

  • path
  • terminal (for example -KtoyVRMC6H-iXMueBBo). Defines in witch staff department the task request will be send. For example HBG, CTS, MUC etc..
  • key (for example 4e543e62-0557-436c-bd78-0fc4af87708b). We give you this key.
  • uid (for exanple -L3cak9pl6Pm8c0mpSA7). This one is only needed if you want to update or cancel a task. It is the unique identifier of the task.

When we take all this parts together our URL would look like this for POST calls:

and like this for PUT or DELETE calls:


After our URL is prepared we can work on the data we want to send. The data can be in any common format but we would recomment to use the json fromat. Here we have an exmaple of such a json body for a POST request:

    "conWeight": "1200",
    "conSize": "1/40",
    "refNr": "4687864",
    "date": "2018-02-15",
    "time": "2018-02-15T18:15:24",
    "description": "test1",
    "isImport": true,
    "retNr": "retNr",
    "turnIn": "turnIn",
    "contacts": [
    	{"email":"[email protected]"}
    "addresses": [
        	"street":"Erika-Mann-Straße 33", 
        	"company":"ICS Logistik & Transport GmbH", 
        	"street":"Breslauerstr 49", 
        	"comment":"Give it to Tarik"

Here a complete list of all possible fields and their explanation.

If we wan't to change data in an existing task we would provide just the data we wan't to change for example if we would like to change the date in a task the Body would look like this:

   "date": "2018-02-16",

Here it is importand to not forget the uid in the URL!

When we have our URL and Body we are ready to send new transport tasks to the Smart-Dispo system.

Importing transport tasks

The json example above is already everything we need to create a new transport task. It is important to know that most of the fields are optional. There are just 3 of them that are required:

  • date
  • addresses

If the POST call with the URL and Body is accepted you should receive a response with a body like this one:

    "uid": "-L586Gz-nW0phDYGivQr"

It is also just a json body with the uid (-L586Gz-nW0phDYGivQr) of your transport task.

IMPORTAND: This uid has to be stored in your system so you can refer to it for changes or cancelation.

Changing transport tasks

To change a transport task we add to the URL another parameter called uid and to the Body just those fields we want to change with the new values. It is importand to change the HTTP method to PUT! For example if we would like to change the date of our task above you would call this URL:

with this body:

   "date": "2018-02-16",

Reading transport task data

To get data about a task from the API we use the same url and parameters as we did in the updating part above and just change the call from PUT to GET. The terminal parameter is also not required. That is also a reason the save the task uid on the firts POST, because we need it for every other call afterwards. Watchng out example the URL would be the same:

Because we are reading the data from our API the Body is not needed in the request and even if you would have one it will be ignored. We insted receive as response a large json file with 3 main parts:

  • data - the main data of the transport task
  • statuses - the workflow statuses of the driver/drivers working on the task in a chronological order and with the locations where they are triggered
  • files - all task related files witch you as customer are allowed to see with the OCR Text recognised in it and a download link

Cancelation of a tasks

Similar to changes for canceling a task we need to povide the uid in our URL but for a cancelation we don't need any data in the task so we call it with an empty body. It is importand to change the HTTP method to DELETE!

Failed requests

If we try to make a request with an invalid key we will receive a response with the code 403 and raw body with the content Wriong key!

Receiving automated feedback from our staff

One field in the body while creating a transprt task has a specific functionality. It is the contacts field. Not only that it defines who are the contacts for the task it also defines who will be informed if the request is rejected from our staff. This field can also be updated afterwards to add or remove contacts.

Every contact will be also informed if the import, change or cancelation request is not accepted by our staff! Because of that we recommend to have at least one contact.


This project has a Examples folder. In that we have seperated code examples for the POST, PUT and DELETE requests in 7 of the most used programming languages.

The examples are writen for our development environment witch means that the URL has a different domain. The production domain is and the development domain Don't forget to change this in your code.

The reaoson we are using the development server in the examples is that it allows you to test your code with our test environment. All the Examples should work and you should receive successful responses on them. Feel free to play with the examples and to run the example code in your projects.

If you want to test the HTTP request manually I would recomment o use Postamn for that.

Contact and support

For any kind of questions or support pleas contact me via E-Mail or office phone.

E-Mail: [email protected] Office phone: 0049 8654 46 97 66


Documentation for smart-dispo API






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