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SWD® Starter Kit ROS Stack

This package contains a sample ROS configuration for the SWD® Starter Kit.

We've tried to make the main launch file is starter_kit.launch configurable, the file accepts a set of arguments to which, we set the default values as used in the SWD Starter Kit.

Devices' arguments

  • master_ip (default ""): The ethernet IP address of the host machine (the robot) used to connect with the LiDAR.
  • lidar_sensor (default "idec_se2l"): The LiDAR sensor name, it can be one of [idec_se2l, sick_nanoscan3 or pilz_psen]. The package contains configuration files for this three LiDARs, however, if you are using another model, you can easily add the corresponding launch file.
  • lidar_sensor_ip (default ""): The IP address of the LiDAR, used by the LiDAR driver.
  • scan_prefix (default "laser_1"): A prefix which will be used for LiDAR topics.
  • joy_config (default "xbox"): A config parameter used with the joy/joy_node, used only when enable_joystick==true.

Global arguments

  • scan_topic (default "[scan_prefix]/scan"): The output LiDAR topic.
  • scan_frame_id (default "[scan_prefix]"): The laser scan frame ID.
  • odom_frame_id (default "odom"): The odometry frame ID.
  • base_frame_id (default "base_link"): The moving base frame ID.
  • global_frame_id (default "map"): The global map frame ID.
  • baseline_m (default "0.485"): The distance between the two wheels, this value is used with swd_ros_controllers/swd_diff_drive_controller to calculate the odometry.
  • enable_websocket (default true): Use the rosbridge_server/rosbridge_websocket and tf2_web_republisher/tf2_web_republisher to route ROS messages to the web UI.
  • enable_joystick (default true): Enable joystick support, uses joy/joy_node and teleop_twist_joy/teleop_node.

Control/filtering arguments

  • enable_cmd_vel_mux (default "true"): A boolean parameter to enable the multiplexer on the controller's cmd_vel input.
  • enable_laser_filter (default "true"): A boolean parameter to enable the laser_filters/scan_to_scan_filter_chain configuration.

Navigation mode arguments

  • nav_mode (default "mapping"): The navigation mode in which the robot will be launched, currently, two mode are preconfigured: mapping and localization. In the mapping mode, a SLAM algorithm is used to build a map of the environment, this map can then be saved as a static map (using map_server/map_saver). Then, we can launch the robot in the localization mode to localize itself in the map. If you do not need to launch a localization or mapping stack, set nav_mode is set to none.
  • nav_algo (default "hector"): The algorithm to be used for the selected mode, it accepts [hector, lama or gmapping] when nav_mode=='mapping', and [amcl or lama] when nav_mode=='localization', note that for 'localization' mode, you will need to provide an initial pose (via RViz, or by publishing a geometry_msgs/PoseWithCovariance message to /initial_pose), or if using amcl, you can trigger a global localization strategy by calling the rosservice call /global_localization {}, notes that currently, LAMA's loc2d_ros does not support global localization.
  • nav_localization_static_map (default "assets/map_box2_v2.yaml"): The static map to be used with the localization algorithm, this map should be obtained from the mapping process and saved using map_server/map_saver. This package comes with a sample map, which you can visualize for testing purposes.


The package contains configurations for the following nodes:

  • swd_ros_controllers/swd_diff_drive_controller is used to send commands to the motors and publish the odometry and the safety functions flags.
  • swd_robot_manager/robot_manager is used to implement some high level operations.
  • swd_robot_manager/pose_from_tf is used to build a geometry_msgs/PoseStamped message from the TF tree (technically, applies the localization/SLAM odom->map drift correction to the odometry's base_link->odom).
  • rosbridge_server/rosbridge_websocket and tf2_web_republisher/tf2_web_republisher when enable_websocket==true.
  • joy/joy_node and teleop_twist_joy/teleop_node are used when enable_joystick==true, enables the usage of an USB joystick.
  • topic_tools/mux is used when enable_cmd_vel_mux==true to implement a multiplexer (named mux_cmd_vel) in the ROS graph, the output is a geometry_msgs/Twist message linked the differential drive velocity control topic swd_diff_drive_controller/cmd_vel. The node takes multiple topics as input, the output selection can be done by calling rosrun topic_tools mux_select mux_cmd_vel <INPUT_TOPIC>, where <INPUT_TOPIC> is one of:
    • joy_cmd_vel to receive commands from the joystick (selected by default),
    • key_cmd_vel to receive commands from the keyboard (for example, via teleop_twist_keyboard/,
    • remote_cmd_vel to receive commands from a remote node (ROS-Mobile mobile app for example),
    • nav_cmd_vel to receive commands from a navigation stack (move_base stuff for example).
  • urg_node/urg_node when lidar_sensor=='idec_se2l'.
  • psen_scan_v2/psen_scan_v2_node when lidar_sensor=='pilz_psen'.
  • sick_safetyscanners/sick_safetyscanners_node when lidar_sensor=='sick_nanoscan3'.
  • laser_filters/scan_to_scan_filter_chain is used when enable_laser_filter==true to filter the LiDAR measurements, the current configuration set ranges to be in $-\pi/2$ to $\pi/2$.
  • hector_mapping/hector_mapping when nav_mode=='mapping' and nav_algo=='hector'.
  • gmapping/slam_gmapping when nav_mode=='mapping' and nav_algo=='gmapping'.
  • iris_lama_ros/slam2d_ros when nav_mode=='mapping' and nav_algo=='lama'.
  • iris_lama_ros/loc2d_ros when nav_mode=='localization' and nav_algo=='lama'.
  • amcl/amcl when nav_mode=='localization' and nav_algo=='amcl'.
  • tf/static_transform_publisher is used to publish static TFs for the LiDAR sensors.

Usage with the ezw-ros-bringup Systemd service

The SWD® Starter Kit comes with a set of Systemd services which launches the Linux and ROS stacks automatically at startup.

By default, the ezw-ros-bringup service launches swd_starter_kit_bringup/starter_kit.launch with the default arguments, however, if you want to modify the arguments, you can create the special configuration file ~/.swd_ros_env and set the SWD_BRINGUP_LAUNCH_FILE_ARGS to the desired list of arguments, for example, if we want to launch the starter_kit.launch with arguments nav_mode:=localization, nav_algo:=amcl, enable_laser_filter:=false and enable_cmd_vel_mux:=false, we can add the following line to ~/.swd_ros_env:

SWD_BRINGUP_LAUNCH_FILE_ARGS=("nav_mode:=localization" "nav_algo:=amcl" "enable_laser_filter:=false" "enable_cmd_vel_mux:=false")

Other options can be set in the ~/.swd_ros_env, by default, the service will load the workspace found in the user's home directory ~/ros_ws. However, you can choose a custom ROS workspace to be loaded at startup by adding this to your ~/.swd_ros_env file:


The service will check if the chosen workspace exists, and sources:

  1. SWD_USER_WS_DIR/install/setup.bash if it exists.
  2. SWD_USER_WS_DIR/devel/setup.bash if it exists.

If you want to change the package and the launch file to be loaded at startup, with the arguments to send to the roslaunch. You can set these options:

# The package from which you want to load the startup/bringup
# launch file

# The launch file to be loaded with `roslaunch`

# The list of arguments (as "arg:=value" ...)
SWD_BRINGUP_LAUNCH_FILE_ARGS=("arg1:=value1" "arg2:=value2" ...)

ez-Wheel® 2021


Sample ROS configuration for the SWD Starter Kit.






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