This project provides an immutable container image used to troubleshoot Kubernetes, Podman, or Docker pods. The container may be deployed as its own pod, or by attaching to an existing pod.
The kubeconfig file generated here is only usable with Oracle Cloud Infrastructure's Container Engine for Kubernetes (OKE).
If you are using a different cloud provider or self-hosted cluster, you will need to adjust the /root/.kube/config
file accordingly.
There are many tools to help but such configuration is outside the scope of this project.
- Up to date Oracle Cloud Kubernetes Cluster
Build container image with
$ docker build \
--build-arg OS_VERSION=3.19 \
--build-arg KC_VERSION=1.28.2 \
--build-arg BUILD_DATE=$(date) \
--build-arg VERSION='v0.1-OS_${OS_VERSION}-K8S_${KC_VERSION}' \
--platform linux/amd64,linux/arm64 \
-t ifeelfine/sonic:latest \
-t ifeelfine/sonic:0.1
docker build --build-arg ALPINE_VERSION=3.14 --build-arg KUBECTL_VERSION=v1.23.2 --platform linux/amd64,linux/arm64 -t your_image_name .