This is the code implementation of the paper “DrPCE-Net: Differential Residual PCE Network for Characteristic Prediction of Transistors”.
The structure of the project is as follows:
-- DrPCE-Net (the main method proposed in the paper)
-- PCE (the implementation of Polynomial Chaoes Expansion)
-- baseline1 (the implementation of Y-model referred in the paper)
-- baseline2 (the implementation of W-model referred in the paper)
-- data (the data used in the experiments including three datasets: circle, rectangle, triangle)
-- net (the implementation of DNN referred in the paper)
-- plot (the source code of plotting)
-- results (the results of partial experiments)
-- tools (the implementation of some basic function)
This project bases on Python 3.10.8.
More information about packages can be found in requirements.txt.
Taking the DrPCE-Net as an example, you can train and test the model using the following command:
cd DrPCE-Net
python shell.py
By executing it , you will get a directory of predciting results, and you can view the report.txt to get an overview of the total prediction.
The paper is published on IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, and you can find by clicking the following link:
DrPCE-Net: Differential Residual PCE Network for Characteristic Prediction of Transistors