A REST and WebSocket Service over Express and SocketIO
- Some actions are better performed with REST, others with WebSocket.
- PubSub over websocket and REST allows this.
Clone repo
git clone git+ssh://[email protected]/fijiweb/socketio-rest-pubsub.git
cd socketio-rest-pubsub
Install dependencies
npm install
Start the server with default
npm start
node index.js [--host hostname] [-p port] [-d] [-s stop] [--cert path] [--key path] [--stats]
1) Secure HTTPS and TLS websocket with debugging
`node index.js --host -p 8000 -d --cert /path/to/cert.crt --key /path/to/key.pem`
2) Plain HTTP and websocket with debugging and statistics
`node index.js --host -p 8000 -d --stats`
3) Plain HTTP and websocket default port (process.env.PORT)
`node index.js`
Install mocha test runner globally
npm i -g mocha
Run tests with mocha
npm test
Install websocket-bench globally
npm i -g websocket-bench
Set the max number of file descriptors
ulimit -n 2048
or ulimit -n 60000
Run the benchmark tool with 1000 connections and 100 concurrent connections
npm run benchmark -- -a 1000 -c 100
Install node-inspector globally
npm i -g node-inspector
Run the server with node-inspector debugging attached
node-debug index.js -p 8000 -d
ulimit -n 60000
Install and use PM2 to manage the processes and load balance
Install PM2 globally
npm install pm2 -g
Start PM2 with just one process. Output to console.
pm2 start index.js -- -p 8000 -O console
View logs
pm2 log index
Start PM2 with max number of processes available with logging.
pm2 start index.js -i 0 -e log/err.log -o log/out.log -- -p 8000 -O console
Monitor processes
pm2 monit
Manage PM2 processes
pm2 list
pm2 stop
pm2 restart
pm2 delete