Architectural changes to the IMIS system
Potential project to join forces with
Label for issues to track using the issuetracker
Pull requests that update a dependency file
Improvements or additions to documentation
This issue or pull request already exists
This will take a long time
This should take not much effort.
This is an enhancement for an existing feature
Issues related to access control
Issues related to add probe screen
Issues realted to making changes of patient data in the DB
Issues related to infection cluster features
Issues related to contact person features
Issues related to CSV export feature
Issues related to the dashboard
Issues related to the patient details page
Issues related to the patient overview
Issues related to patient registration feature (not self regist.)
Issues related to request quarantine feature
Issues realted to search feature
Issues related to patient self registration feature
Issues realted to send to quarantine feature
Issues related to the statistics feature
This is a feature request
Extra attention is needed
Migrating App Logic to Incidents (Frontend & Backend)