Analysis of water temperature data from the Sacramento San-Joaquin Delta
Data have been downloaded from CDEC ( and cleaned.
Integrated datasets are published at:
Species thresholds are published at:
- Go to manuscript_code folder for most up-to-date code.
- Data/StationsMetadata.csv: Metadata about stations - lat/lon, start and end date of stations, names
- Data/Temp_filtered.rds: Original QA/QCed filtered water temperature dataset
- Data/temp10years_20230613.rds: Hourly dataset filtered down to desired stations and time periods
- Data/tempMonthly.rds: Monthly temperature dataset used for trend modeling
- Data/SpeciesThresholds.xlsx: Species temperature thresholds
- Data/daysExceedanceUpperDataForPlotting.csv: Calculations for each species days exceeding upper thresholds
- Data/daysExceedanceDataForPlotting.csv: Calculations for each species days exceeding lower thresholds
- Data/emmeans_results/: Emmeans tables
- RosiesRegionsEdited: Shapefile of regions used for map and analysis
- prepare_datasets.Rmd: Script to filter dataset based on the location of the station and the amount of missing data for the station; creates annual, daily, monthly datasets including appropriate summary stats
- join_stations_to_regions.Rmd: Script to join Rosie's regions shapefile to stations
- make_manuscript_map.Rmd: Script to make original map - this got replaced by the cluster analysis map, which is based on this map.
- tempclusters.Rmd: Cluster analysis
- model_temperature_trends.Rmd: Mixed Model of maximum and minimum water temperature trends
- model_native_nonnative.Rmd: Mixed Model of native/non-native and listed/unlisted species differences
- plot_days_exceedance_boxplot.Rmd: Script to create days exceedance boxplots
- plot_fish_absence_presence_vulnerability.Rmd: Script to create vulnerability tile plot
- model_temperature_trends.Rmd: Mixed Model of maximum and minimum water temperature trends
- stationheatmaps.R: Script to create heat map looking at station and regional suitability by day of year (identify no recovery areas)
- model_validation_plots: contain model validation plots for listed status model, maximum temperature model, minimum temperature model
- additional_figures: contain heat map plots for data that could be of interest but were not in the manuscript
- Other figures in the Figures folder are part of the manuscript.