This is website my team created in my Software Engineering class. It's supposed to a website that students use to track their progress through college. Faculty members can create Areas of Concentrations (AOC, aka Major) add courses to their AOCs and allows students to take courses. This project was completed in 4 weeks with a team of 4 people. I made a duplicate of the repo because the original repo is private. The website will take 30-ish seconds to connect at first Heroku's servers are starting up and once the first page loads it should work well. It's possible that the website will go down eventually since it's running on Heroku's free plan but as of right now it works. We cannot remove this loading time without upgrading the plan the website is running on. If you'd like to take a look around there is a few test accounts, one of a faculty member and a student
Username: [email protected] Password: password
Username: [email protected] Password: password
bundle install
in order to install necessary gems.
rails db:migrate
to create the data base
rails db:reset
will setup the tables and seed them with some default values (rails db:seed
You'll also need to install postgres locally, but I can't exactly remember how to do that.