This the Repo for the Cardiff Devfest 2019 talk Learn You Some Erlang For a Great Conference.
Pull this repository and navigate to the project root.
git clone [email protected]:JDragovichAlertLogic/erlquest.git
cd erlquest
Run the included start script to start the application
If the shell script isnt working for you, try running it manually.
Once the shell is running, run the following commands in the shell to start hot code reloading and start the application.
First you'll need the docker container and this repo pulled down
docker pull jdragovich1985/erlang-dev-fest-2019:1.0.2
Also make sure you've pulled this repo to your local machine.
git clone [email protected]:JDragovichAlertLogic/erlquest.git
Navigate to the root of this repositiory and run the following docker command. This will start the erlang shell
cd erlquest
docker run -it --rm -v `pwd`:/erlquest -p 8080:8080 jdragovich1985/erlang-dev-fest-2019:1.0.2 /bin/bash -c 'cd erlquest && rebar3 shell'
All methods deal with plain text
- Returns a welcome message
GET /rooms
- Returns a list of current rooms
POST /rooms
- Adds a room to the DB
GET /messages/:room
- get all messages for a particular room
POST /messages/:room
- add a message to a particular room