Connectionnist model for Familiarity Recognition designed as part of my master's thesis.
Dataset used for simulations are available in the following links:
Caltech256 : (Griffin et al., 2007)
Cat Dataset : (Zhang et al. 2008)
The library was tested with python 3.9.11
pip install -r requirements.txt
The required libraries are listed in the file requirements.txt
The following arguments can be modified in the command line:
--datapath: path to the directory where the dataset is located
--only_jpg (default: False): True to select only .pjg files
--filename (default: simulation.csv): filename in which the results of the simulations will be saved
--sizes (default: [20, 40, 100, 200, 400, 1000, 4000, 10000]): number of images presented during training
--lr (default: 0.01): learning rate
--min_weights (default: -1): minimum value of weights at initialization
--max_weights (default: 1): maximum value of weights at initialization
--run (default: 100): number of runs
--learning_rule (default: Hebbian): selection of the memory module
--model (default: resnet): selection of the extraction module
These arguments are listed in the script
For the Hebbian model, use the default arguments when launching the
script :
--model resnet
--learning_rule Hebbian
--lr 0.01
For the anti-Hebbian model, use the following arguments when launching the
--model resnet
--learning_rule AntiHebbian
--lr 0.01
To perform Simulation 1 which reproduces Standing's experiment (Standing, 1973):
Select the directory (--datapath) corresponding to the dataset: Caltech256
Leave the default --sizes argument: [20, 40, 100, 200, 400, 1000, 4000, 10000]
Launch the script
python [arguments]
To perform Simulation 2, which explores the recency inside the models:
Select the directory (--datapath) corresponding to the dataset: Caltech256
Choose the desired --sizes argument
Launch the script
python [arguments]
To perform Simulation 3, which explores the presence of a similarity effect:
Select the directory (--datapath) corresponding to the dataset: Cat Dataset
Use the following arguments: --only_jpg True --sizes 40
Launch the script
python [arguments]
Note that you will have to perform this simulation again for the two other homogeneity conditions with their corresponding dataset.