This project allows you to enter and exit VIM's insert mode using a rock band pedal! Similar to Alexander Levchuk's project.
- PSOC 4 prototyping kit: $4 + shipping
These can be bought from multiple sources. I got mine from Cypress, but you might get a better deal on shipping elsewhere. We will only be using the usb to serial bridge so you can use the rest of the prototyping kit for another project.
- Rock Band pedal (Or a similar pedal)
I found my rock band pedal at a thrift shop for $2. Many other pedals could work though since the implementation works by reading a GPIO.
- Through hole resistors (I use a 220 Ohm resistor)
- Through hole LED
- USB cable
The USB cable can be used to ensure the prototyping kit doesn't easily fall out of a USB port. It also an easy way to extend the length of your vim pedal. I had Male USB 2.0 type A cable with a broken connector on one side that I used.
- Female Stereo cable
This cable makes it easy to plug the Rock Band pedal in to the prototyping board. It also extends the cable on the pedal.
- Soldering Iron and Solder
TODO: Schematic / pictures
TODO: Need a udev rule
This project is MIT licensed. Read for more details on the MIT license.