The TailwindCSS Fluid Fonts plugin offers a solution for managing fluid font sizes in your project. With an easy-to-use setup, this plugin perfectly suits your responsive design needs.
Install tailwindcss-fluid-fonts with the npm package manager:
npm i -D tailwindcss-fluid-fonts
Import and add the plugin in your Tailwind Config:
import type { Config } from "tailwindcss";
import fluidFonts from "tailwindcss-fluid-fonts";
const config: Config = {
plugins: [
viewport: {
min: "375px",
max: "1536px",
export default config;
Represents a range of sizes that includes min and max size of viewport.
const config: Config = {
plugins: [
viewport: {
min: "375px",
max: "1536px",
Add a name for the font size, and as a value, you can add an array with the following structure [minFontSize, maxFontsize, lineHeight]
. The third value lineHeight is optional:
const config: Config = {
plugins: [
fontSizes: {
// Without lineHeight
"3xl": ["24px", "33px"],
// With lineHeight
"4xl": ["27px", "36px", "1.6"],
When using the classes text-3xl or text-4xl, they will apply the following CSS:
/** 3xl does not add lineHeight*/
.text-3xl {
font-size: clamp(... /* Fluid size calc */);
/** 4xl adds lineHeight*/
.text-4xl {
font-size: clamp(... /* Fluid size calc */);
line-height: 1.6;
Or instead of using the array type [minFontSize, maxFontsize, lineHeight]
, you can use an object with the following options:
- min: minimum font size with its respective unit px or rem.
- max: maximum font size with its respective unit px or rem.
- lineHeight (Optional):additional option for line height.
- letterSpacing (Optional): additional option for letter spacing.
- fontWeight (Optional): additional option to define font weight.
const config: Config = {
plugins: [
fontSizes: {
"3xl": {
min: "24px",
max: "33px",
lineHeight: "1.6",
letterSpacing: "1px",
fontWeight: "medium",
"4xl": {
min: "27px",
max: "36px",
lineHeight: "1.6",
When using the classes text-3xl or text-4xl, they will apply the following CSS:
/** 3xl calculates font size using min and max values and adds the defined extra properties: lineHeight, letterSpacing, and fontWeight */
.text-3xl {
font-size: clamp(... /* Fluid size calc */);
line-height: 1.6;
letter-spacing: 1px;
font-weight: medium;
/** 4xl calculates font size using min and max values and adds the defined extra property: lineHeight */
.text-4xl {
font-size: clamp(... /* Fluid size calc */);
line-height: 1.6;
Unit used as output for font sizes can be px or rem:
If font size values (min and max) are defined in px and unit is defined in rem, the value of the font-size
property in the CSS will be defined using rem;
const config: Config = {
plugins: [
fontSizes: {
"4xl": ["27px", "36px"],
viewport: {
min: "375px",
max: "1536px",
unit: "rem", //Default
Output if the unit is rem:
.text-4xl {
font-size: clamp(
calc(1.6875rem + (2.25 - 1.6875) * ((100vw - 23.4375rem) / (96 - 23.4375))),
Output if the unit is px:
.text-4xl {
/** The calc base value MUST be stated in REM to maintain accessibility */
font-size: clamp(27px, calc(1.6875rem + (36 - 27) * ((100vw - 375px) / (1536 - 375))), 36px);
If font size values (min and max) are defined in rem and unit is defined in px, the value of the font-size
property in the CSS will be defined using px;