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Supported Algorithms

JayDDee edited this page Jan 19, 2025 · 18 revisions

Supported algorithms

                      allium        Garlicoin
                      anime         Animecoin
                      blake         Blake-256 (SFR)
                      blake2b       Blake2b 256
                      blake2s       Blake-2 S
                      blakecoin     blake256r8
                      bmw           BMW 256
                      bmw512        BMW 512
                      c11           Chaincoin
                      deep          Deepcoin (DCN)
                      dmd-gr        Diamond-Groestl
                      groestl       Groestl coin
                      hex           x16r-hex
                      hmq1725       Espers
                      jha           Jackpotcoin
                      keccak        Maxcoin
                      keccakc       Creative coin
                      lbry          LBC, LBRY Credits
                      lyra2h        Hppcoin
                      lyra2re       lyra2
                      lyra2rev2     lyra2v2
                      lyra2rev3     lyrav2v3
                      lyra2z330     Lyra2 330 rows
                      myr-gr        Myriad-Groestl
                      neoscrypt     NeoScrypt(128, 2, 1)
                      nist5         Nist5
                      pentablake    Pentablake
                      phi1612       phi
                      polytimos     Ninja
                      power2b       MicroBitcoin (MBC)
                      quark         Quark
                      qubit         Qubit
                      scrypt        scrypt(1024, 1, 1) (default)
                      scrypt:N      scrypt(N, 1, 1)
                      scryptn2      scrypt(1048576, 1,1)
                      sha256d       Double SHA-256
                      sha256q       Quad SHA-256, Pyrite (PYE)
                      sha256t       Triple SHA-256, Onecoin (OC)
                      sha3d         Double keccak256 (BSHA3)
                      skein         Skein+Sha (Skeincoin)
                      skein2        Double Skein (Woodcoin)
                      sonoa         Sono
                      timetravel    Machinecoin (MAC)
                      timetravel10  Bitcore
                      tribus        Denarius (DNR)
                      vanilla       blake256r8vnl (VCash)
                      veltor        (VLT)
                      verthash      Vertcoin (VTC)
                      x11           Dash
                      x11evo        Revolvercoin
                      x11gost       sib (SibCoin)
                      x12           Galaxie Cash (GCH)
                      x13           X13
                      x13bcd        bcd
                      x13sm3        hsr (Hshare)
                      x14           X14
                      x15           X15
                      x16rv2        Ravencoin (RVN)
                      x16rt         Gincoin (GIN)
                      x16rt-veil    Veil (VEIL)
                      x16s          Pigeoncoin (PGN)
                      xevan         Bitsend (BSD)
                      yescrypt      Globalboost-Y (BSTY)
                      yescryptr8    BitZeny (ZNY)
                      yescryptr8g   Koto (KOTO)
                      yescryptr16   Eli
                      yescryptr32   WAVI
                      yespower      Cryply
                      yespowerr16   Yenten (YTN)
                      yespower-b2b  generic yespower + blake2b
                      zr5           Ziftr

Scrypt, yescrypt, yespower parameters

Many variations of scrypt based algos can be mined by specifying their parameters even if not explicitly defined in the miner. New variations that use a common base are automatically supported. The 3 bases are yescrypt (aka yespower v0.5), yespower (aka yespower v1.0), yespower-b2b (yespower with sha256 replaced with blake2b), and scrypt.

Variations listed above may be mined using their unique name or by parameters. Below are some known algorithm variations that are unlisted and must be mined using their parameters. Parameters can be obtained from the coin's specifications, if the developpers chose to publish them, or buried in the wallet code if not.

A parameter is not required when the algorithm uses the default.

  • -N --param-n: This optional parameter is sometimes specified using the suffix :N added to the algorithm parameter, ie --algo scrypt:1048576. The default value of N if not specified is 1024.

  • -K --param_key: This optional parameter is sometimes called "client key" or "pers" and is a string. Some algorithms specify a key length but cpuminer-opt determines the length automatically. This can result unexpected results if the length was set incorrectly in the specification, as noted in one instance below. The default key if not specified is NULL.

  • -R --param-r: Optional, the default if not specified is 1.

Algorithms using scrypt parameters

  • scrypt

--algo scrypt

Scrypt with no paraneters uses the default N=1024 as used by Litecoin.

  • scryptn2

--algo scrypt --param-n 1048576

  • yespower

--algo yespower

yespower with no parameters uses the defaults N=2048, R=32, Key=NULL.

  • cpupower

--algo yespower --param-key "CPUpower: The number of CPU working or available for proof-of-work mining"

  • sugarchain

--algo yespower --param-key "Satoshi Nakamoto 31/Oct/2008 Proof-of-work is essentially one-CPU-one-vote"

  • yespoweriots

--algo yespower --param-key "Iots is committed to the development of IOT"

  • yespowerlitb

--algo yespower --param-key "LITBpower: The number of LITB working or available for proof-of-work mini"

The key length in the LITB POW specification was incorrectly set resulting the actual key being 2 characters shorter than intended. The key parameter must be set as above, with the last 2 characters "ng" from the specification truncated.

  • yespoweric

--algo yespower --param-key "IsotopeC"

  • yespowerurx

--algo yespower --param-key "UraniumX"

  • yespowerltncg

--algo yespower --param-r 32 --param-key "LTNCGYES"

  • yespowertide

--algo yespower --param-r 8

  • yescrypt

--algo yescrypt

Yescrypt with no parameters uses the defaults N=2048, R=8, Key=NULL.

  • power2b

--algo yespower-b2b --param-key "Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds"