M.A.M.E = Multi Arcade Machine Emulator
Watch the videos on YouTube:
Emulation of various Arcade systems (1978-1985) from Space Invaders to Moon Patrol.
The emulator is splitted in few projects running specific systems due to memory usage.
(see complete list of roms emulated in games.txt)
It is based on the early MAME0.36 source code
Please compile for smallest code on the Teensy4.0 else you will run out of memory
- Teensy4.0
- ILI9341 or ST7789 SPI display
- SD card (Teensy uses built-in uSD)
- Analog joypad (Arduino or PSP like)
- 3 buttons (FIRE, USER1 and USER2)
- I2C custom keyboard (not required for MAME)
- Sound (MQS only, to be added)
- see pinout.txt file in the project
- Main PCB KICAD also available
- see i2ckeyboard sub-directory
- the I2C keyboard is using a separate atmega328p MCU handling the keys matrix
- with 10x4 or 10x5 keys
- Format the SD card as FAT32
- copy the roms into a folder called "mame"
- I don't provide information about where to find the roms but just be aware you will need a romset compatible with mame 0.36.
- MAME roms should be uncompressed (sub-dir with rom name with roms inside)
- insert the card into the SD slot
- open the ino file with Arduino SDK
- select DISPLAY MODULE in tft_t_dma_config.h (ST7789 or ILI9341)!!!!
- double check iopins.h for pins configuration!!!!
- compile and install from there.
- No sound
- some games as Bagman are not operational
- For the launched MAME version you should see the roms of the SD card being listed
- you can select the rom with up/down
- you can start the game by pressing the FIRE key
- You can then play the game with the analog joystick and the FIRE key