Python implementation of the method proposed in "Link Prediction with Signed Latent Factors in Signed Social Networks", Pinghua Xu, Wenbin Hu, Jia Wu and Bo Du, SIGKDD 2019.
NOTE This implementation can be used to solve both link prediction and sign prediction.
This repository is organised as follows:
contains four example graphsWikiElec
is the directory to store the learned node embeddings;src/
contains the implementation of the proposed SLF method.
The implementation is tested under Python 3.7, with the folowing packages installed:
The code takes an input graph in .txt
format. Every row indicates an edge between two nodes separated by a space
or \t
. The file does not contain a header. Nodes can be indexed starting with any non-negative number. Four example graphs (donwloaded from SNAP, but node ID is resorted) WikiElec
, WikiRfa
, Slashdot
and Epinions
are included in the input/
directory. The structure of the input file is the following:
Source node | Target node | Sign |
0 | 1 | -1 |
1 | 3 | 1 |
1 | 2 | 1 |
2 | 4 | -1 |
NOTE All the used graphs are directed. However, if you want to handle an undirected graph, modify your input file to make that each edge (u, v, s) constitutes two rows of the file like the following:
Source node | Target node | Sign |
u | v | s |
v | u | s |
--edge-path STR Input file path Default=="./input/WikiElec.txt"
--outward-embedding-path STR Outward embedding path Default=="./output/WikiElec_outward"
--inward-embedding-path STR Inward embedding path Default=="./output/WikiElec_inward"
--epochs INT Number of training epochs Default==20
--k1 INT Positive SLF dimension Default==32
--k2 INT Negative SLF dimension Default==32
--p0 FLOAT Effect of no feedback Default==0.001
--n INT Number of noise samples Default==5
--learning-rate FLOAT Leaning rate Default==0.025
--test-size FLOAT Test ratio Default==0.2
--split-seed INT Random seed for splitting dataset Default==16
--link-prediction BOOL Make link prediction or not Default=False
--sign-prediction BOOL Make sign prediction or not Default=True
NOTE As sign prediction is a more popular evaluation task, --link-prediction
is set to False
and --sign-prediction
is set to True
by default. You can refer to our paper to find the difference between the two tasks.
Train an SLF model on the deafult WikiElec
dataset, output the performance on sign prediction task, and save the embeddings:
python src/
Train an SLF model with custom epoch number and test ratio:
python src/ --epochs 30 --test-size 0.3
Train an SLF model on the WikiRfa
dataset, perform link prediction task but not sign prediction task:
python src/ --edge-path ./input/WikiRfa.txt --outward-embedding-path ./output/WikiElec_outward --inward-embedding-path ./output/WikiElec_inward --link-prediction True --sign-prediction False
If you want to learn node embedding for other use and not to waste time performing link prediction or sign prediction, then run:
python src/ --link-prediction False --sign-prediction False
For sign prediction task, we use AUC
and Macro-F1
for evaluation.
For link prediction task, we use AUC@p
, AUC@n
and AUC@non
for evaluation. Refer to our paper for detailed description. We adimit that it is not a good choice to use Micro-F1
for evaluation on a dataset with unbalanced labels, so we removed this metric.
We perform the evaluation after each epoch, and output the provisional result like the following:
Epoch 0 Optimizing: 100%|██████████████████████████████████████| 6637/6637 [00:19<00:00, 343.23it/s]
Sign prediction, epoch 0: AUC 0.832, F1 0.697
Link prediction, epoch 0: AUC@p 0.901, AUC@n 0.750, AUC@non 0.878
Epoch 1 Optimizing: 100%|██████████████████████████████████████| 6637/6637 [00:19<00:00, 345.80it/s]
Sign prediction, epoch 1: AUC 0.858, F1 0.730
Link prediction, epoch 1: AUC@p 0.882, AUC@n 0.739, AUC@non 0.855
When the training is ended up, the evaluation results are printed in tabular format. If --sign-prediction==True
, the results of sign prediction are printed like the following:
Epoch | AUC | Macro-F1 |
0 | 0.832 | 0.697 |
1 | 0.858 | 0.730 |
2 | 0.838 | 0.739 |
... | ... | ... |
19 | 0.905 | 0.802 |
And if --link-prediction==True
, the results of link prediction are printed like the following:
Epoch | AUC@p | AUC@n | AUC@non |
0 | 0.901 | 0.750 | 0.878 |
1 | 0.882 | 0.739 | 0.855 |
2 | 0.885 | 0.762 | 0.867 |
... | ... | ... | ... |
19 | 0.943 | 0.920 | 0.948 |
The learned embeddings are saved in output/
in .npz
format (supported by Numpy
). Note that if the maximal node ID is 36, then the embedding matrix has 36+1 rows ordered by node ID (as the ID can start from 0). Although some nodes may not exist (e.g., node 11 is removed from the original dataset), it does not matter.
You can use them for any purpose in addition to the two performed tasks.
In our paper, we used the following methods for comparison:
"Signet: Scalable embeddings for signed networks" [source]MF
"Low rank modeling of signed networks"LSNE
"Solving link-oriented tasks in signed network via an embedding approach"SIDE
"Side: representation learning in signed directed networks" [source]
and LSNE
are not open-sourced, but if you are interested in our implementation of these methods, email to [email protected]
If you find this repository useful in your research, please cite our paper:
title={Link prediction with signed latent factors in signed social networks},
author={Xu, Pinghua and Hu, Wenbin and Wu, Jia and Du, Bo},
booktitle={Proceedings of the 25th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery \& Data Mining},