Distributed Concurrent Cache based on Golang
This is a distributed concurrent Key-Value cache based on Go and Gin
The cache is implementted with LRU with Go std lib container double linked list.
I think cache through is somehow more conventient. Developers do not need to interact with the database directly and worried about consistentency problem.
Compile the project
go build -o yourCache
start a single cache server (you should create your getter function first)
./ yourCache -port=8888 -api=1
config distributed system
// here is all address of your nodes using they port number as index
// if you wanto test it in local env
addrMap := map[int]string{
// create a array contains all peer nodes address
var addrs []string
for _,v := range addrMap{
addrs = append(addrs, v)
// here is only a dummy getter function
// place logic with database here
getterFn := cache.GetterFunc(func(key string) ([]byte, error) {
log.Println("[SlowDB] search key:",key)
if v,ok := db[key];ok{
return []byte(v),nil;
return nil,fmt.Errorf("%s not exist",key)
// create a group
cacheGroup := cache.CreateGroup("scores",getterFn,2<<10)
if api{
// since we use gin as our sever, we need to use "go" to start a new thread
// if we dont use go here, the thread will stuck and will not proceed to create local cache server
go cache.StartAPIServer(apiAddr,":9999",cacheGroup)
// start Cache server
cache.StartCacheServer(addrMap[port],":"+ strconv.Itoa(port),addrs,cacheGroup)
How to create your Getter function Mysql for example
getterFn := cache.GetterFunc(func(key string) ([]byte, error) {
// create connection to you database in here we use mysql as example
// in real env, connection should be placed in its own module
DB, _ := sql.Open("mysql", "root:123456@tcp(")
if err := DB.Ping(); err != nil {
fmt.Println("open database fail")
return nil,err
fmt.Println("connnect success")
// start a query
var user User
DB.QueryRow("select * from user where id=1").Scan(user.age, user.id, user.name, user.phone, user.sex)
return []byte(user),nil