Developed Using Unity 3d C# #[Algorithm Used] ~ Projectile Physics Algorithm, Detection and Selection of platforms, and Avoidance Algorithm.
#[Mechanics] ~ It is a rocket game where you need to find Mr. Cat. ~ The rocket also need to avoid obstacles and must get the cat in order to move to the next level. ~ As the level progress higher, intelligent Cat is enabled. Intelligent Cat Features: ~ Can detect platforms near its vision (using Overlap feature of Unity) ~ Able to jump to the next target Platform (Projectile) ~ Able to avoid the player as much as possible (Avoidance Algorithm)
- Background
- Free Pixel Art Hills by Eder From Unity Assets Store
#Audios are not mine and I am not endorsed.
- Rocket Thrust From:
- Death Explosion From: Udemy Course
- Success From: Udemy Course
#References: Predicted Projectile Tutorial by Romi Fauzi from