Offline pebble watchface based on the Nightscout community version Note: This current version is a modifcation of Kevin Lee's original cgm-pebble-offline. It is intended for use with xDrip, not Nightscout.
As such, it is based on the cgm-pebble version 6.0 code. There ARE NO EASTER EGGS. Alerts have been removed except for the falling rate-of-change alerts. This watch face is meant for patients to use with xDrip, not for parents/carers. All notifications/alerts are generated within xDrip (except for falling rate-of-change). Ensure you enable notifications from xDrip in the Pebble App, and enable Third Party notifications, otherwise these will NOT come through on the pebble.
Choose "Standard Watchface (old)" in xDrip and activate "xdrip Statusline (watch)" in your ConfigBuilder of AAPS. Then install this watchface manually over the existing one: Activate the developer option in your pebble app and have a look at the given IP adress. Switch to the main directory from terminal and execute:
export PEBBLE_PHONE=""
pebble install