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How to add new type of transmitter
This page needs to be updated - bluetooth management has been changed since this page was first written
- Summary
- Steps for adding new transmitter types
- Available CGM transmitter classes
- Use a transmitter class
BluetoothTransmitter.swift defines the class BluetoothTransmitter, which implements the bluetooth protocol applicable to any type of peripheral and that works with only a receive and a transmit characteristic. The class handles the scanning, connect, services discovery, characteristics discover, subscribing to characteristic, connect and reconnect, connect after app launch (app needs to connect at least once, then it will remember the address and reconnect automatically at next launch) It will also cancel the connection when there's no more reference to an instance of the class (deinit is called)
If necessary, each of the functions in the protocols CBCentralManagerDelegate and CBPeripheralDelegate can be overriden by the inheriting class. This is necessary for instance of the transmitter uses more than just a receive and a transmit characteristic, like for example Dexcom
The protocol BluetoothTransmitterDelegate defines functions that allow to pass bluetooth activity information from the BluetoothTransmitter class to a specific transmitter class. Example when a disconnect occurs, the BlueToothTransmitter class handles the reconnect but the delegate class can for instance show the connection status to the user. It will be informed about the connection status via the function centralManagerDidConnect in the BluetoothTransmitterDelegate.
The CGMTransmitter protocol defines functions that CGM transmitter classes need to implement.
The CGM transmitter communicates back to the caller via the CGMTransmitterDelegate protocol.
Needs to be conformed to, for instance by a view controller, or manager, .. whatever
This protocol allows passing information like new readings, sensor detected, and also connect/disconnect, bluetooth status change
Following specific transmitter classes exist:
For every new type of bluetoothtransmitter you need to
- extend BluetoothTransmitter
- update BluetoothPeripheralType
If it's a CGM transmitter (it could also be a bloodglucose meter that transmits data over bluetooth)
- conform to the protocol CGMTransmitter
- update CGMTransmitter.swift and add a new type
If there's a new category (eg CGM is a category, M5Stack is a category)
- update BluetoothPeripheralCategory and add a new category
The file is xdrip/Transmitter/CGMBluetoothTransmitter/CGMTransmitter.swift
This file has an enum CGMTransmitterType with a case per type.
Add a new case for the new CGM transmittertype.
The enum is of type String, the type of transmitter needs to be in the string value. This value will be used on the UI, eg for selecting the type of transmitter.
You also need to update the function sensorType, canDetectNewSensor, allowManualSensorStart, defaultBatteryAlertLevel, batteryUnit
The protocol is used to pass back information from the BluetoothTransmitter class to the specific Transmitter class.
A new transmitter class needs to extend BluetoothTransmitter and
the signature of the initializer of the super class BluetoothTransmitter is
init(addressAndName:BluetoothTransmitter.DeviceAddressAndName, CBUUID_Advertisement:String, CBUUID_Service:String, CBUUID_ReceiveCharacteristic:String, CBUUID_WriteCharacteristic:String) {
If the app never connected to the device, then we don't know it's name and address as the device itself is going to send.
Possibly we have an expected device name. Not all devices have a predefined device name (example xdrip/xbridge have different names).
Usually, if there's no expected device name, there will be a CBUUID_Advertisement
If the app connected before, then we have the address (should be stored in the settings or somewhere) which needs to be set during initialization
DeviceAddressAndName is an enum with two cases :
alreadyConnectedBefore in which case we add the address and name as stored in the settings or database. The app will only connected to a device if it has the same address.
notYetConnected if we have an expected name, then it's added, if we don't then we pass nil
The app will connected to a device if the name starts with the expected name, or in case the expected name is nil, it will connect
If not nil then the app will scan for devices that advertise with this specific UUID.
The advantage of scanning with advertisement UUID is that the app can also scan while in the background.
The service UUID
receive characteristic UUID, the BlueToothTransmitter class will take care of subscribing to it
write characteristic UUID
The new transmitter class needs to store a property of type CGMTransmitterDelegate
This is used to pass back information to the controller
Define it as a weak var
Functions in CGMTransmitterDelegate:
When the transmitter is connected
This will typically be called in centralManagerDidConnect, however it could be that the class decides to call this at a
later stage, for example when subscribing to receive characteristic is done.
When the transmitter is disconnected
This will typically be called in centralManagerDidDisConnect
When the bluetooth status changes
This will typically be called in centralManagerDidUpdateState
When a new sensor is detected, only applicable to transmitters that have this functionality
When a sensor is not detected, only applicable to transmitters that have this functionality
This is the most important function, it passes new readings to the delegate
also battery info, sensor state, firmware & hardware info if applicable
The transmitter needs pairing, app should give warning to user to keep the app in the foreground
The specific protocol needs to be implemented.
See as example already existing cgm transmitter classes.
All functions in the parent class can be overriden.
Following additional functions can be used :
These functions should only be used by classes that extend the BluetoothTransmitter class.
will call centralManager.cancelPeripheralConnection
Will scan for the device.
This should only be used the first time the app connects to a specific device and should not be done for transmittertypes that
start scanning at initialization
calls peripheral.writeValue for characteristic CBUUID_WriteCharacteristic
Make sure that the parent class has initialized the parameter writeCharacteristic.
This may not be the case of the deriving transmitter class has overriden the method func peripheral(_ peripheral: CBPeripheral, didDiscoverCharacteristicsFor service: CBService, error: Error?)
writeDataToPeripheral(data:Data, characteristicToWriteTo:CBCharacteristic, type:CBCharacteristicWriteType) -> Bool
calls peripheral.writeValue for characteristic that is given as argment : characteristicToWriteTo
calls setNotifyValue for characteristic with value enabled
MiaoMiao transmitter is fully implemented
class CGMMiaoMiaoTransmitter
xDripG4 transmitter is fully implemented
class CGMG4xDripTransmitter
class CGMG5Transmitter
- no backfilling
class CGMG6Transmitter
- same functionality as Dexcom G5
This is done in RootViewController and can be ignored for new transmitter types
conform to protocol CGMTransmitterDelegate
implement the functions in CGMTransmitterDelegate
cgmTransmitterDidConnect : Called when the transmitter has connected. The function gives the name and address.
Store the address in permanent storage, next time the transmitter is initialized, give it the address value
It will ease the initial connect -
cgmTransmitterDidDisconnect : To give info to the user that the transmitter has disconnected, if needed to give that info.
deviceDidUpdateBluetoothState : Gives the status of Bluetooth (on/off ..)
Specifically useful if first scan still needs to occur. May not be useful at all for instance transmitter class CGMG5Transmitter will start scanning by itself, there's no need for the controller to call startScanning, but it's allowed. -
newSensorDetected : Typically for MiaoMiao, can be used to automatically start the sensor, no need to ask the user to do this.
sensorNotDetected : Typically for MiaoMiao
func cgmTransmitterInfoReceived(glucoseData:inout [RawGlucoseData], transmitterBatteryInfo:TransmitterBatteryInfo?, sensorState:SensorState?, sensorTimeInMinutes:Int?, firmware:String?, hardware:String?) Can contain lots of data, like new readings (raw readings), ...
cgmTransmitterNeedsPairing : Warn the user that app should be opened
successfullyPaired : Inform the user that the transmitter successfully paired
pairingFailed : Warn user that pairing failed
reset(successful: Bool) : give result of transmitter reset
Define a variable of type CGMTransmitter and initialize it with any of the transmitter classes
- In intializer, give it the address if known, or nil if not. If needed also transmitter id and pass it the CGMTransmitterDelegate
- If necessary start scanning. When ?
- Not before didUpdateBluetoothState is called with status .poweredOn
- When user choses to start scanning
- Example Dexcom G5 : there's no need to start scanning, it's done by the class itself. This is possible because in case of Dexcom G5, there's an advertising ID (can scan while app is in the background) and we know the expected devicename.
- Example MiaoMiao and xDripG4 : first time (ie never connected to the device before, eg after app install or when user changes/selects type of transmitter) - after user choses to start scanning, via UI button
- In any case, for all type of transmitters, as soon as cgmTransmitterDidConnect is called, read the device address, store it permenant, and next type the app launches, read the address from permanent storage, and pass it in the Transmitter initializer. There's no need to start scanning for this case. The app will try to connect to the a device with the known address