Kitchen management is an app for orchestrating the various sections of a commercial kitchen, such that orders are displayed, timed and prepared in a logical, sequential manner. The app provides a timeline, which arranges the orders depending on the station(grill, fry), so that each chef can, at a glance, determine which item they should be preparing, if there are any modifications to the ingredients and the remaining time before the order should be sent.
Both apps are deployed on netlify. First open the POS app, select a table and add some orders. Optionally you can customise the order with extra ingredients before sending it through to the kitchen. Following this you can open the kitchen display app, where you can view all the open orders along a timeline. Note: While the POS app was designed for mobile, the display app requires a larger screen to display correctly.
My primary objective while developing this project was to expand my knowledge around Redux and how it can be used to manage complex state in React applications. I developed my understanding of the Redux architecture, including its core principles, such as state management, immutability, and reducers. Other objective included reinforcing my prior understanding of reacts core concepts, such as components, state, props, and lifecycle methods.
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Click the image above to watch a short introductory video explaining the main features of the app.

John Paul Larkin - [email protected]