This repository contains MATLAB scripts and resources for various labs in the field of optics, designed for the Cal Poly course PHYS 423 (Advanced Optics).
Explored the principles and techniques behind computer-generated holography (CGH). Learn how to generate holograms computationally and visualize the holographic reconstruction process using:
- Binary Search creating a light spot
- Simulated Annealing creating a light spot
- Binary Search vs Simulated Annealing on Complex Outputs
- Motivated using FFT to transform signals to their constiuent frequencies
- Finding the irradiance patterns from an analytical solutions for a
- 1-D Double
- 1-D Single Slit
- 2-D Double Slit
Delved into the statistical nature of photons and explore concepts such as photon counting, photon correlation, and intensity fluctuations. Gained insights into the behavior of light at the quantum level.
- Graphed the indices of TE/TM modes as a function of waveguide thickness on the micron level.
- Plotted and animated the electric field oscillation through different guides as a function of time.