SQLite v1.5.0
Closed issues:
- Type specialized Tables.jl reader (#224)
- Unsupported SQLite declared type BOOLEAN (#279)
- Error registering
on Apple M1 (#282) - Stale statements with DBInterface @prepare (#301)
Merged pull requests:
- Remove unused argument in test helper function (#294) (@rikhuijzer)
- Clang.jl generated bindings and internal refactor (#296) (@metab0t)
- Use JuliaFormatter.jl to format all code (#297) (@metab0t)
- Add .codecov.yml to ignore generated C API bindings (#300) (@metab0t)
- Allow selection of constraint conflict resolution algorithm in SQLite.load! (#302) (@Seitzal)
- Fix warnings on master (#305) (@quinnj)
- Ensure table row doesn't get GCed when inserting via load (#307) (@quinnj)