This project predicts whether online peer-to-peer loans are fully or partially funded. It was completed and presented at the 2019 InnovateGCL Competition at CapitalOne Headquarters, where it won the $100 best pitch prize in the FinTech category.
The data is a random sample of the larger file on a Kaggle page. The file contains all loans issued on Lending Club ( from 2007 to 2015, including the current loan status (Current, Late, Fully Paid, etc.) and latest payment information when available. The features include loan amount, credit scores, number of finance inquiries, and zip codes.
This file contains all the loans in loan.csv
that were fully funded, i.e. loan_amnt = funded_amnt
This file contains all the loans in loan.csv
that were partially funded, i.e. loan_amnt > funded_amnt
This spreadsheet contains descriptions for the variables in the three files above.
A file with the loans from loan.csv
after pre-processing is completed (drop redundant columns, clean formatting of certain columns, convert strings to ints, & impute missing values)
code to use 5-fold cross-validation to train and evaluate different machine learning models on the data