Working as Frontend Developer at @banhala. Maybe I like (Java|Type)Script.
- Seoul, Korea
- Pro
react-editor-js Public
⚛️📝The unofficial editor-js component for React
slackpanda Public
🤖 A Vue renderer for Slack 🐼
split-media-query-plugin Public
[EXPERIMENT] Webpack plugin for splitting media query into multiple css files
🍀The easiest way to configure differential-loading
SweetAlertSharp Public
💬 beautiful, simply, alternative to MessageBox class.
next-quick-link Public
⚡️ Nextjs effective prefetch bundle
time-to-read Public
A lightweight (1kB) Estimate time to read (support cjk)
modern-map Public
modern-map is can limit size and save anything
Pttp Public
Easily embeddable cross-platform HTTP server with no dependency