I just realized, I named the program as Net8, but it's Net 7. This is okay, follow the guide.
Aren't you tired of Microsoft's lack of proper documentation for Mac users and how horrible the DX (Developer Experience) is?
I know I am. Here you can have my ready-to-go template.
You only need 4 files from this repo.
Program.cs, for this line
builder.Services.AddDbContext<MovieDbContext>(options =>
appsettings.json for the connection string setup.
This template includes a predefined connection string in appsettings.json
and utilizes Docker for database management.
We use the Microsoft Azure SQL Edge Docker image, which can be found here.
Installation and Running:
- Install the Docker image from the provided link.
- Run it on your machine. My instance is running at
Port 1433:1433
. - My docker image's Username (User=sa) and Password (Password=Admin@123) are written in the connection string. You may want to change it to something else.
If your local host is something other than
, you will need to make adjustments. Here’s an example of how to write it in appsettings.json
"ConnectionStrings": {
"MovieDbContext": "Server=tcp:,1433;Database=NetDemo;MultipleActiveResultSets=true;User=sa;Password=Admin@123; TrustServerCertificate=true;"
My file is included in the repo.
After cloning the repository, open your terminal and execute the following command to install the missing NuGet packages:
dotnet restore
If this step fails, review the Data/DbContext and Program.cs files for any errors related to missing packages.
Once the NuGet packages are restored, you can proceed with setting up and managing your database migrations using Entity Framework:
To create a new migration, run the following command in your terminal. Feel free to change "YourMigrationName"
dotnet ef migrations add YourMigrationName
Apply the latest migrations to update the database by running:
dotnet ef database update
Voala! (or something like that) check your database using Azure Data Studio, you can download it for free from Microsoft..
For Azure Data Studio, use the following settings
Connection type: Microsoft sql server
input type: parameters
server: localhost
username: sa (username of your running docker instance)
password: (docker password)
trust server certificate: True
and hit connect.