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GeoMapBuilder-for-SoS is a constructor of geographical environment of system of systems (SoS) based on the Meta-Model for System-of-Systems (M2SoS)1.

This repository shows the overall process of building the geographical environment of SoS, and provides the simple exemples.

Getting Started


- Java 15.1

How to use

  1. Download the source code.
  2. Build your own GeoMap of your secnario.
  3. Update the GeoMap data using SQL-like queries.

How to build your own GeoMap of your scenario

  1. Make classes of dimensions that extend DimVar

    1. Implement checkUpdateValid(int diff) method
    2. Implement updateValueOfDim(int diff) method
  2. Make a user-defined SoS class that extends SoS

    public class ExampleSoSType extends SoS
    1. Implement initSoSModel()
      • Declare and instantiate user-defined entities
      ExampleObjectType obj01 = new ExampleObjectType(this, "OBJ_01_ID", "OBJ_01_NAME");
      • Add the entities into the SoS
  3. Make a user-defined map class that extends SoSMap

    public class MapType_04_Cuboid extends SoSMap
  4. Declare and initialize dimension variables (DimVars) with their domains (DimVarDomain) in the user-defined map class adsfasdf

    1. Implement initMapDimensions() method
      • Instantiate DimVarDomains
        DimVarDomain xPosDomain = new DimVarDomain(EnumDomainType.VALUE_RANGE_DISCRETE, 0, 2);
        DimVarDomain floorDomain = new DimVarDomain(EnumDomainType.ENUMERATION, new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList("FLOOR_1", "FLOOR_2")));
      • Make DimVar objects based on your own DimVar
        MapCoordinateDimType xPosDimVar = new MapCoordinateDimType( "xPosVar", "xPosVar", "Int", "0", "0", xPosDomain);
      • Add the DimVars into the map
    2. Implement initMapInformation() method
      • Instantiate Data Var Domains
      • Make DataVar objects with the DataVarDomains defined
      • Add the DataVars into the map
  5. Instantiate the user-defined map class at your SoS class file ( by implementing initMap() method of your SoS class

    MapType_04_Cuboid mapObject04Cuboid = new MapType_04_Cuboid("SOSMAP04",
                "EXAMPLE_SOS_MAP_04", "Map_Initialization_Type04_Cuboid.txt");

    Here, Map_Initialization_Type04_Cuboid.txt is a file for the map initialization. See How to update map data section below.

  6. Instantiate the user-defined SoS class at

    ExampleSoSType sos = new ExampleSoSType("SOS01", "EXAMPLE_SOS", "", cuboidMap , new ArrayList<Entity>());

How to update map data

You need to make a text file that stores the formally defined geographical data. The exemple of it is at the ExampleSoSMapInit.txt, and ExampleSoSMapInit_pool.txt.

SET(isWallVar=0, isChargingStationVar=1)WHERE(ALL);
SET(isWallVar=3)WHERE(xPosVar==1 && yPosVar==1);

The syntax is combines with SET, and WHERE for a single line. SET shows the geographical data, and WHERE shows the location of the data. If WHERE does not exist, GeoMapBuilder sets the data to whole possible location in the map.


1 Y.-M. Baek, J. Song, Y.-J. Shin, S. Park, and D.-H. Bae, “A meta-model for representing system-of-systems ontologies,” in 2018 IEEE/ACM 6th International Workshop on Software Engineering for Systems-of-Systems(SESoS). IEEE, 2018, pp. 1–7.


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