StrathosNet by KOSASIH is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
The core framework and architecture for the StrathosNet satellite communication network, including foundational algorithms and protocols.
StrathosNet-Core is the core framework and architecture for the StrathosNet satellite communication network. This project includes foundational algorithms and protocols designed to optimize satellite communication, enhance network performance, and ensure robust security measures. StrathosNet aims to revolutionize the way satellite networks operate by leveraging advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, and secure communication protocols.
- Advanced Network Management: Efficiently manage satellite connections and user profiles.
- AI-Driven Algorithms: Implement machine learning algorithms for bandwidth allocation, predictive maintenance, anomaly detection, and user behavior modeling.
- Robust Security Framework: Ensure secure communication through encryption, authentication, and firewall management.
- Scalability: Designed to handle a growing number of satellites and users seamlessly.
- Comprehensive Documentation: Detailed guides and API references to assist developers and users.
To set up StrathosNet-Core, follow these steps:
Clone the repository:
1 git clone 2 cd StrathosNet-Core
Install dependencies:
For Java:
Ensure you have JDK 11 or higher installed.
Use Maven to install dependencies:
1 mvn install
For Python:
Ensure you have Python 3.7 or higher installed.
Install required packages:
1 pip install -r requirements.txt
- Set up environment variables:
- Configure any necessary environment variables as specified in the config/ file.
To run the StrathosNet application, execute the following command:
- Java
1 mvn spring-boot:run
- Python
1 python src/main/python/strathosnet/
Refer to the user guide for detailed instructions on how to use the various features of StrathosNet-Core.
Configuration files are located in the config/ directory. Key configuration files include:
- network_config.json: Configure network parameters and settings.
- security_config.json: Set up security measures, including encryption keys and authentication settings.
- ai_model_config.json: Configure parameters for AI algorithms.
To run tests for the StrathosNet-Core project, use the following commands:
- Java
1 mvn test
- Python
1 pytest src/main/python/strathosnet/tests/
Refer to the testing documentation for more information on how to write and run tests.
Contributions are welcome! If you would like to contribute to StrathosNet-Core, please follow these steps:
- Fork the repository.
- Create a new branch for your feature or bug fix.
- Make your changes and commit them.
- Push your branch to your forked repository.
- Create a pull request describing your changes.
- Please ensure that your code adheres to the project's coding standards and includes appropriate tests.
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.
Thank you for your interest in StrathosNet-Core! We hope you find this project useful and look forward to your contributions.