Minecraft mod
Adds basic tools craftable with only sticks in the regular tool patterns.
Tools will get experience by using them on the proper blocks.
When a tool levels up a point can be spend by rightclicking with the tool.
To install
- Download 1.7.10-Recommended (Src) from -> http://files.minecraftforge.net/
- Copy the contents to a decent directory
- Open console in that directory
- enter the command:** gradlew setupDecompWorkspace --refresh-dependencies**
- Fix your IDE. For Intellij see below; for other IDE's seehttp://www.minecraftforge.net/wiki/Installation/Source
- clone the repository
For Intellij only:
- Open intellij
- Import project and navigate to the workspace and click the build.gradle
- close intellij
- open the console in the root directory
- enter the command: gradlew genIntellijRuns