AtArba is a web application for individuals who are interested in selling and purchasing auto parts.
- Users are able to sign-up for an account, log-in, and log-out.
- Users can view items but need to logged in in order to sell.
- Users can purchase without log in, but need to fill out information while checking out which also creates an account.
- After login, user can put item into the cart, so they can be able to check it later.
- After an item is sold, what happens? Should I create a states table for items, can be used as a foreign key?
- ghi-1 (Graphic User Interface): Frontend built with React
- fastapi-service-1: Backend built with Fast API
- db-1 (Database): PostgreSQL
local url: http://localhost:8000/docs
- Fork repository
- Clone repository to local: git clone
- cd into new project directory
- Run: docker volume create postgres-data
- Run docker volume create pg-admin
- Run: docker compose build
- Run: docker compose up
Access the application on your web browser at http://localhost:3000/ Access the FastAPI Swagger UI at http://localhost:8010/docs
- Python 3
- Docker Desktop
- VS Code
- FastAPI
- A database compatible with PostgreSQL databases
- @kaharerbol