Python CLI, API and Web App for managing Kamatera Kubernetes Clusters
poetry install
Create a .env
file with the following content:
Start the infrastructure:
docker compose up -d db rabbitmq
Start a Celery worker:
celery -A cloudcli_server_kubernetes.celery worker --loglevel info
Create the cluster configuration file, you can use the example tests/cluster_full.yaml
, just change the cluster name
Create the cluster:
poetry run cloudclik8s cluster create cluster.yaml --wait
See more available commands in the cli:
poetry run cloudclik8s --help
Run the Web app:
poetry run uvicorn cloudcli_server_kubernetes.web:app --reload
Access the API Docs at http://localhost:8000/docs
Start the full environment:
docker compose up -d
Access the API Docs at http://localhost:8080/docs
Push to main builds the Docker image
Update the image sha here and sync argocd
After deploy check the cloudcli schema which depends on it (it updates every 1 minute):
Make sure the version under the k8s command group matches the deployed version