A passionate Flutter Developer and Competitive Programmer using Android SDK with Dart programming language, applies new technologies and follow best practices to make the code clean, readable, usable and efficient by using the best algorithm to solve the problem
Skills: Flutter / Dart / Clean Architecture / Bloc /Dealing With Api /FireBase/ Opp / Data structure and Algorithms
- 💬 Ask me about Flutter Development
- 📫 How to reach me: [email protected]
A “Movie App” application that show the movies and it’s Details like NowPlaying Movies,PopularMovies ,TopRated Movies. coded with Clean Architecture.
- Clean Architecture
- Flutter
- Dart
- Bloc
- Dio
- Restful Movies Api
- Equatable
- Shimmer
- Dartz
- Get_it
- Animate_Do
- Cache_Network_image
- Carousel_Slider
A “Shop App” is online platform to sell Products.
- Flutter
- Dart
- Bloc
- Dio
- Shered Prefances
- Restful Api
- Smooth Page Indicator
- Flutter Toast
- Carousel Slider
A “Social app” is online platform to Communicate with friends by chatting and posting, everyone can use the app .
- Flutter
- Dart
- Bloc
- Shered Prefances
- FireBase [FireBase Database, Storage,Authentication,Messaging] -imagePicker