Now we assume that the DNA is a double helix but a long time ago (before Watson and Crick) people believed that the DNA was a polymer just like a elongated tublin molecule. With the DNA bases all stacked on each other. This tetranucleotide hypothesis of DNA was proposed by a very well established scientist of his time, Phoebus Levene. His structure of the DNA proposed that all the bases occur equal number of times on the tetrad strcuture, hence %A=%T=%G=%C.
But a very brilliant scientist Erwin Chargaff did amazing analytical chemistry to prove Levene wrong and formulated what is know today as the Chargaff's Rules.
In fact these rules, %A=%T and %G=%C, is the reason why Watson and Crick were able to come to the double helix structure of the DNA.
Your job is to prove recreate Chargaff's experiments using python.
Analyze the .fasta files of the genome of:
- Humans
- Plasmodium falciparum
- Anopheles gambiaeas and calculate the %A, %T, %C, and %G. What do you conclude from your analysis?
Analyze the covid 19 genome and comment on the types of nucleotides there. What do you deduce about the virus from the %A, %T, %G and %C?