role/provision/defaults/main.yml → default variable values
role/provision/tasks/main.yml → creates virtual machines
role/provision/templates/vm.xml.j2 → defines VM properties
vm-playbook.yaml → Runs the provision role with specified parameters.
- setup.sh → installs required packages and Ansible, generates an SSH key pair and starts the default KVM(?) network
- gen.sh → creates VMs and runs Fio tester on them
- purge.sh → Wipes all libvirt VMs from system
Virtual machine parameters are located in vm-playbook.yaml in the dictionary vars.
Fio options can be changed at the bottom of the gen.sh.
Run setup.sh, which is promptless.
Run gen.sh and enter how many VMs you want to create. It will ask for confirmation before running a fio benchmark.
When you're done, run purge.sh remove all VMs.