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A package that provides an easy access to elements of HTML and XHTML documents through the Document Object Model

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 EasyHTML :: A package that provides an easy access to elements
 of HTML and XHTML documents through the Document Object Model.


Author: Taras Gaidukov

 Installation Instructions:


    Python 3.4+

Build and install by running:

    $ python build
    $ sudo python install


The package contains a module easyhtml.parser that provides a class
easyhtml.parser.DOMParser (a subclass of html.parser.HTMLParser).
This class has a method get_dom() that returns a DOM of parsed document
which is an instance of easyhtml.dom.HTMLDocument class:

from easyhtml import parser

dom_parser = parser.DOMParser()
                '   <body>'
                '       <h1 class='title'>Hello world!</h1>'
                '       <div id="content">'
                '           <p>First paragraph</p>'
                '           <p>Second paragraph</p>'
                '           <p>Third paragraph</p>'
                '       </div>'
                '   </body>'
document = dom_parser.get_dom()

The HTMLDocument class provides an API for access to all elements, their
attributes and contents. Elements of DOM are instances of one of following

HTMLDocument        - a whole document
HTMLTag             - a tag elements
TextNode            - a text elements including HTML entities
HTMLComment         - a comments in HTML code
DoctypeDeclaration  - a doctype declaration of the document

Each HTML element provides two variants of its view: raw HTML code and its
"clear" text representation (as in web-browsers). A raw HTML code implemented
as raw_html property of the element:

document.raw_html # returns an HTML code of the document

And a text representation is just a str version of the element:

str(document) # returns a text representation of the document

Text representations of comments and a doctype declaration are empty since
these elements should be invisible on the page.

To access nested elements inside other ones, there are following methods:

get_tags_by_name(name)  - returns all tags with specified name
get_children(query)     - returns all tags that match a query*
get_element_by_id(id)   - returns a tag with specified id

* query is a string that consists of conditions separated with semicolons.
A condition is pair of an attribute name and its value written through the
equality sign: "attr1=value1; attr2=value2".

First two methods return an instance of easyhtml.dom.HTMLCollection class that
contains found tags. An HTMLCollection object could be empty if there are no
tags that satisfy the conditions. The get_element_by_id() method returns a tag
with specified id since it's assumed that the id is unique and there is only
one tag with such id. If the tag is not found, None is returned.

Also, the method get_tags_by_name() is implemented as the magic method 
__getattr__ that allows to get elements by their name just as an attribute:
document.div is eqivalent to document.get_tags_by_name('div')

The HTMLCollection class is a list-based collection that contains DOM elements
or other HTMLCollection objects. Like a list the collection provides an access
to its elements by their indices using get_element() method and it could be
iterated in the for-loop:

collection.get_element(0) # returns the first element of the collection
                          # or None if it does not exist
for element in collection:
    # do something with each element

Also, the method get_element() is implemented as the magic method __getitem__
that provides a simplier syntax through the use of the square brackets
operator, so collection[0] is equivalent to collection.get_element(0)

Methods of the HTMLCollection class are similar to those of HTMLTag and

get_tags_by_name(name)  - returns all tags with specified name
get_children(query)     - returns all tags that match a query
get_element_by_id(id)   - returns a tag with specified id

IMPORTANT: Since the HTMLCollection is not an element of the DOM and does not
keep the hierarchy of contained elements, each element in the collection is
considered as an independent search result. And when a new search is called,
the result would be a new HTMLCollection that contains separate collections
for each element of the source HTMLCommection object. For instance, say the
document contains following code:

    <div id="div1">
        <p id="p1"></p>
    <div id="div2">
        <p id="p2"></p>
        <p id="p3"></p>

then a call document.get_tags_by_name('div') returns a collection with two

Collection {
    <div id="div1">
    <div id="div2">

Then call collection.get_tags_by_name('p') returns a collection that contains
two collections with <p> tags in each one.

Collection {
    Collection {
        <p id="p1">
    Collection {
        <p id="p2">
        <p id="p3">

Such behavior is similar to that the use of the collection in the for-loop and
making new search requests to each element separately:

collection = document.get_tags_by_name('div')
for element in collection:
    sub_collection = element.get_tags_by_name('p')
    # do something with found tags

The same result would be if you call a new search request to the collection
directly and use the result in the for-loop:

collection = document.get_tags_by_name('div')
collection = collection.get_tags_by_name('p')
for sub_collection in collection:
    # do something with found tags

Or even shorter:

for sub_collection in document.div.p:
    # do something with found tags

Please note that the get_element_by_id() method returns a single tag as well
as HTMLTag and HTMLDocument objects do, since it's assumed that the id is
unique and there is only one tag with such id in the document even if the
hierarhy of its elements has been destroyed.

In addition the HTMLCollection class provides a method that helps to refine 
the request:

filter_tags_by_attrs(query) - filters found elements by specified query

Also this method is implemented as the magic method __call__, so it's possible
to filter tags using simplier syntax with brackets:

document.div(class=someclass) # returns a collection of div elements with
                              # the class "someclass"

Note that the filter_tags_by_attrs() method does not create a new level of
nested collections.

 Package API reference:

class easyhtml.parser.DOMParser()

    Creates a parser instance. The DOMParser is a subclass of
    html.parser.HTMLParser class. For more details about HTMLParser usage see
    the official documentation of HTMLParser at Python's website.

DOMParser Methods:


    Returns an instance of HTMLDocument that is the root object of the
    Document Object Model.

class easyhtml.dom.DoctypeDeclaration(decl)

    A doctype declaration of the document. Used as an attribute of
    easyhtml.dom.HTMLDocument objects. Is not visible in the str version of
    the document, but it's present in the HTML code.

    :decl: the text of the declaration, type str

DoctypeDeclaration Methods:


    A property that returns a raw HTML code of the declaration. It consists of
    the text passed into constructor between <! and > symbols. For instance,
    <!DOCTYPE html>


    Returns a str version of the declaration. It's implicitly called in the
    str context. Always returns an empty string since the doctype declaration
    is invisible on the page.

class easyhtml.dom.HTMLComment(text)

    A comment in the HTML code. It's not visible in the str version of the
    document, but it's present in the HTML code.

    :text: a text of the comment, type str

HTMLComment Methods:


    A property that returns a raw HTML code of the comment. It consists of the
    text passed into constructor between <!-- and --> symbols. For instance,
    <!-- Here is a comment -->


    Returns a str version of the comment. It's implicitly called in the str
    context. Always returns an empty string since comments are invisible on
    the page.

class easyhtml.dom.TextNode()

    A text data element in the document. It's a container for any visible
    text data on the page. Could contain PlainText, NamedEntity and
    NumEntity objects.

TextNode Methods:


    A property that returns a raw HTML code of all contained objects.


    Returns a str version of the text data. It's implicitly called in the str
    context. Includes corresponding characters instead of contained HTML


    Adds an element to the end of the list.

    :element: an element to append, type easyhtml.dom.HTMLText (a superclass
              of PlainText, NamedEntity and NumEntity classes.

class easyhtml.dom.PlainText(text)

    A plain text on the page (without HTML entities). It's used inside of the
    TextNode element only.

    :text: a text of the element, type str

PlainText Methods:


    A property that returns all characters of the text as it is in the HTML


    Returns a str version of the text. It's implicitly called in the str
    context. Replaces sequences of white space characters with single spaces.

class easyhtml.dom.NamedEntity(name)

    A named HTML entity. It's used inside of the TextNode element only. If the
    entity with specified name does not exist, the KeyError would be rised.

    :name: a name of the entity, type str

NamedEntity Methods:


    A property that returns an HTML code of the entity. It consists of the
    name passed into constructor between & and ; symbols.


    Returns a str version of the entity. It's implicitly called in the str
    context. For instance, it returns the "<" character for the entity with
    the code &lt;

class easyhtml.dom.NumEntity(num)

    A numeric HTML entity specified by decimal or hexadecimal code. It's used
    inside of the TextNode element only. If the entity with specified numeric
    code does not exist, the KeyError would be rised.

    :num: a numeric code of the entity, type str

NamedEntity Methods:


    A property that returns an HTML code of the entity. It consists of the
    name passed into constructor between &# and ; symbols.


    Returns a str version of the entity. It's implicitly called in the str
    context. For instance, it returns the "<" character for the entity with
    the code &#60; or &#x3c;

class HTMLTag(name, attrs)

    An HTML tag. Could be single such as <br> or complex such as <p>...</p>.
    Complex tags could contain other elements (TextNode, HTMLComment or

    :name: a name of the tag, type str
    :attrs: a list of tuples with attributes of the tag,
            format [(attr1, value1), (attr2: value2)]

HTMLTag Methods:


    Aproperty that indicates whether the tag is single, i.e. does not require
    an endtag. The result depends on the name of the tag: there is a list of
    the single tags and if the name matches any item from the list, the tag is
    considered as single.


    A property that returns an HTML code of the tag. It consists of the
    start tag, inner HTML code and the end tag.


    Returns a str version of the tag. It's implicitly called in the str
    context. It consists of the str versions of all contained elements.
    For instance, it returns "Hello, world!" for the tag
    <p>Hello, world!</p>


    A property that returns an HTML code of the start tag. It consists of the
    name and attributes of the tag in the angle brackets:
    <name attr1="value1" attr2="value2">


    A property that returns an HTML code the end tag. It consists of the name
    with the slash on the front in the angle brackets: </name>


    A property that returns HTML codes of all contained elements.


    Returns a dictionary of attributes.


    Returns a value of the attribute with specified name of None if such
    attribute does not exist.

    :name: a name of the attribute, type str

HTMLTag.check_attr(name, value)

    Returns True if the value of the attribute with specified name matches
    the specified value. Otherwise returns False.

    Note that the "class" attribute in the HTML could be defined as a list of
    several CSS classes separated by the white space characters. The method
    returns True if specified value of the "class" attribute matches one of
    those classes in theHTML. For instance, if the tag is defined as
    <div class="foo bar">, then check_attr("class", "foo") returns True and
    check_attr("class", "bar") returns True as well.

    :name: a name of the attribute, tupe str
    :value: a value of the atribute, type str


    Returns True if all attributes of the tag and its values match specified
    query. Otherwise returns False. The query is a string of pairs attr=value
    separated by semicolons and any number of spaces. For instance, 
    "attr1=value1; attr2=value2"

    :query: a query string, type str


    Adds an element to the end of the list.

    :element: an element to append, allowed types:


    A property that returns a generator object that generates all contained
    tags of the tag. 


    Returns a generator object that generates all contained tags of the tag
    including all their nested tags recursively.


    Returns an easyhtml.dom.HTMLCollection object contains tags with specified
    name including nested tags. The same functionality is provided by getting
    the tag's name as an attribute: tag.get_tags_by_name("name") =

    :name: a name of search tags, type str


    Returns an easyhtml.dom.HTMLCollection object that contains tags with
    specified in the query attributes. The query is a string of pairs
    attr=value separated by semicolons and any number of spaces. For instance,
    "attr1=value1; attr2=value2"

    :query: a query string, type str


    Returns a tag with specified id. If such tag does not exist returns None.

    :e_id: an ID of the tag, type str


    Returns the tag itself if it matches the query, otherwise returns None.
    The query is a string of pairs attr=value separated by semicolons and any
    number of spaces. For instance, "attr1=value1; attr2=value2"

    :query: a query string, type str

class easyhtml.dom.HTMLDocument()

    A root document object. Contains all HTML elements and provides an API to
    access them.

HTMLDocument Methods:


    A property that returns an HTML code of the document.


    Returns a str version of the document. It's implicitly called in the str
    context. It consists of the str versions of all contained elements.


    A property that contains the DoctypeDeclaration object of the document.
    The property allows to write a new doctype to it.


    A property that returns HTML codes of all contained elements.


    Adds an element to the end of the list.

    :element: an element to append, allowed types:


    A property that returns a generator object that generates all contained
    tags of the document. 


    Returns a generator object that generates all contained tags of the
    document including all their nested tags recursively.


    Returns an easyhtml.dom.HTMLCollection object contains tags with specified
    name including nested tags. The same functionality is provided by getting
    the tag's name as an attribute: doc.get_tags_by_name("name") =

    :name: a name of search tags, type str


    Returns an easyhtml.dom.HTMLCollection object that contains tags with
    specified in the query attributes. The query is a string of pairs
    attr=value separated by semicolons and any number of spaces. For instance,
    "attr1=value1; attr2=value2"

    :query: a query string, type str


    Returns a tag with specified id. If such tag does not exist returns None.

    :e_id: an ID of the tag, type str

class easyhtml.dom.HTMLCollection(items)

    A result object returned by get_* methods. Collection is an object that
    contains found tags or collections of tags.

    :items: an iterable object contains a content of the collection

    The collection object is iterable and provides the __getitem__ method to
    access its items using [] operator. Also it provides the __len__ method
    so len(collection) would return actual count of elements in the

HTMLCollection Methods:


    Returns an element with specified index. If such element does not exist
    None would be returned. The same functionality is provided by [] operator.

    :index: an index of the element, type int


    Returns an easyhtml.dom.HTMLCollection object contains collections with
    the results of such search request to each contained element. The same
    functionality is provided by getting the tag's name as an attribute:
    collection.get_tags_by_name("name") =

 :name: a name of search tags, type str


    Returns an easyhtml.dom.HTMLCollection object that contains collections
    with the results of such search request to each contained element. The
    query is a string of pairs attr=value separated by semicolons and any
    number of spaces. For instance, "attr1=value1; attr2=value2"

    :query: a query string, type str


    Filters contained tags or tags in contained collections leaving those
    match specified query. If there is no such tags the collection would be
    empty. The query is a string of pairs attr=value separated by semicolons
    and any number of spaces. For instance, "attr1=value1; attr2=value2"

    The same functionality is provided by the __call__ method, so 
    collection.filter_tags_by_attrs("attr=value") = collection("attr=value")

    Note that since the return value of search methods are the HTMLCollection
    object, you could use just document.div("class=foo") instead of 

    :query: a query string, type str


    Returns a tag with specified id. If such tag does not exist returns None.

    :e_id: an ID of the tag, type str


A package that provides an easy access to elements of HTML and XHTML documents through the Document Object Model







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