A web application that helps you stay focused while maintaining a real houseplant
Botanical Workspace is a productivity app with a twist - your focus determines the fate of a real houseplant. When you want to be productive, click the start timer button and get to work! If you leave the Botanical Workspace page, the timer ends and your connected houseplant gets flooded with water, a terrible fate. However, if you make it all the way, you are rewarded and your plant is safe.
Submitted to the Backyard Hacks 2020 Hackathon.
Botanical Workspace is built on three components, the front-end focus app, the back-end server, and the water pump hardware.
The front-end is built with React. It has a countdown timer for productivity and a chart reflecting the health of the plant. The chart uses chart.js. Requests and information are sent to the back-end server
The back-end is made with a Flask server which handles the routes and information from the front-end application. Using piserial, it communicates with the Arduino Uno. The water mechanic uses a solenoid valve connected to a water source.
Make sure you have the dependencies. You may need more than what is listed below.
npm install
pip install flask
pip install piserial
Then run the app and server.
npm start
python app.py
Matthews Ma
Samer Rustum
Rohan Shetty
Harry Kim