Blender extensions for woodworking
All operators are available in 3D view area, Tool Shelf panel ('T'), in the category tab "woodworking".
- Created workpiece operator
- Haunches available on both sides
- Mortise cut opposite faces (through mortise)
In this repository, select and download the zip file containing all needed python files for the blender extension (press the "raw" button). In blender, choose "File" menu then select the "User preferences..." item. Choose the "Addons" tab in the dialog window, then press "Install from file..." button. Select the zip file you just downloaded and check the checkbox to activate it.
To get the latest available sources, clone the git repository or download all python files in the woodwork folder.
This operator will generate a new tenon on the selected quad face in edit mode.
Object should be in edit mode, a quad face should be selected and it must be planar and rectangular.
The tenon panel is organized in three parts :
- Width side
On this box, you set tenon thickness and position along width axis.
In the thickness type box, you choose the way you want to give tenon thickness value:
- By value
- By percentage (of width size length)
- Max value (size of width size)
You can control tenon position on width size by either checking/unchecking the centered button. If unchecked, you gain access to several more options to control shoulder on width side :
- Shoulder size (using the type, you specify size in value or percentage)
- Reverse shoulder checkbox if you want to give the shoulder size for the other side
- Length side
On this box, you set tenon height and position along length axis.
The same parameters as the width side are all available to control height and position.
Another parameter is available to add strength and rigidity to the tenon : the haunched checkbox. Using it, you could make an haunched join, specifying the height in value or percentage of tenon depth.
- Depth
Sets the tenon depth value.
This operator will generate a new mortise on the selected quad face in edit mode.
Haunched mortise make holes in adjacent faces.
When mortise depth is larger than the plank, the through mortise will cut the plank (a simple intersection algorithm is used here, this will remove faces on the opposite side).
Object should be in edit mode, a quad face should be selected and it must be planar and rectangular.
The mortise panel is organized as the tenon panel, in three parts. Check tenon panel usage for more information.
Creates a new workpiece object.
- Size properties
Here you set the dimensions for the workpiece (thickness, length and width).
- Position properties
These properties will let you place the workpiece in the view.
Visible Face
Choose the side you want to view (face grain, edge grain, end grain).
The workpiece could be displayed horizontally or vertically.
Choose the view you want to work into.
Select the workpiece's location in the view.
In blender, you can change the default "blender unit" to metric units in the scene properties.
This extension is available in French : to use it, just make sure to change Blender language in "User Preferences..."