Application containing exercises in React. In each tab there is a separate exercise that was helpful in understanding and practicing a given tool.
There are currently four exercises:
- Counter - simple calculator, thanks to which practiced for example Redux Toolkit, useState, passing props.
- Form - this exercise was entirely devoted to getting to know the React Hook Form library and using it to create a form with different types of fields.
- Fetch API - practice of fetching data from API using Fetch API, try/catch/finally, useState and useEffect and displaying them on the page.
- RTK Query - practice of getting basic data from the API using RTK Query and displaying them on the page.
Technologies used to build this application:
Libraries used to build this application:
Below you find all scripts to clone, run and build this application.
git clone
npm install
First, run the development server:
npm run start
Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.
npm run build