Flora of China (update: May 5, 2013) (source from efloras)
植物学名解释 丁广奇、王学文 (source from an old book, Deciphering Latin in plant scientific names by Guangqi Ding and Xuewen Wang)
Dictionary of Botanical Epithets (source from internet)
ThePlantList1.0 (update: June 04, 2012) (source from theplantlist)
ThePlantList1.1 (update: March 12, 2013) (source from theplantlist)
What I was doing was just convert the online available sources into mdx format that could be looked up offline in cell phone. These mdx could be also downloaded from here.
Mac: Golden dict, Eudic
Windows: Mdict
Android: Mdict, Bluedict, Eudic
iOS: Mdict,Bluedict
Visit Mdict official website and other mdx community website (such as pdawiki) for more custom dictionaries. You could also make your own dictionary following the cookbook there.