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v1.52.0 Non-inworld 'Burn In Fluid'

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@Krutoy242 Krutoy242 released this 16 Dec 09:34
· 100 commits to master since this release

v1.52.0 (2024-12-16)

Mods changes

🟑 Updated Mods

Icon Summary Old / New
Deep Mob Evolution DeepMobEvolution-1.12.2-1.2.2
Patchouli ROFL Edition Patchouli-1.0-26
Fluid Interaction Tweaker fluidintetweaker-1.4.1

✨ New Features

  • πŸ–‡β˜Use in for "burn in fluid"

    Contributed by TrashboxBobylev

    • Adds ability to use IC2's construction foam to solidify MA essence and ExNihilo ore pieces using AdvRocketry's Crystallizer into actual ores without using in-world interactions.
    • Allows to do Knightslime and Obsidian essences transformations with IE Mixer.
  • πŸ–‡πŸŽ’Add content preview for more items

  • πŸ–‡πŸŽ’Add right-click open capability for +14 items

πŸ› Fixes

  • πŸ–‡βœοΈThaumic Worners Stones make actually unrepearable
  • πŸ–‡βœοΈ now unbreakable recipe accept repaired electrode
  • πŸ–‡πŸ’™ increase difficulty on replication x10 more now

    Before this change, formula was uuMbConsumed ^ 0.6 / 10000 which was neglible small, unrecognisible value. Now its gonna be / 1000 instead.

  • πŸ–‡πŸ’™ now correctly counting Spent UU stat value

    Before, stat values changes every secod, using unreasonable values.


  • πŸ–‡βœοΈ now not require
  • πŸ–‡βœοΈ nerf Dirty Ore output

    Now output x12 main result and half% of secondary.

    Dev note: Sag Mill is extremely fast way to process Dirty ores. It also output a lot of secondary output whick makes other Dirty Ore processing methods futile.


  • πŸ–‡βœοΈadd conversion between NC and Mek Hydrogen

    fix #443

  • πŸ–‡βœοΈadd few recipes to from removed


  • πŸ–‡πŸ“–Fix quest tasks
  • πŸ–‡πŸ“–Remove from loot box

    For players not accidentally get difficulty from it