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v1.53.0 Fishing rework

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@Krutoy242 Krutoy242 released this 30 Dec 07:21
· 66 commits to master since this release

v1.53.0 (2024-12-30)

✨ New Features

  • πŸ–‡ now can be enchanted with Excavation
  • πŸ–‡πŸŒ· now drop Petals

    This will help with inventory cluttering when exploring

  • πŸ–‡πŸ§―Rework appearence and math for "Woodweave" Fireproof Singularity
    • New item ID
    • Removed "intermediate" ingredient
    • Now Woodweave Singularity have another texture
    • Now "power" or "charge" shown as durability instead of tooltip
    • Removed clicking for info, now can see on tooltip
    • Now can be used as a weapon (its a bug)
    • Changed required charge from 1M to 30K
    • Changed math of calculating charge

    Crafting Principle is the same - its easier to craft if you using many different kids of Fireproof planks.
    For example, you need only 4 planks each of the types if you craft from 25 kinds of planks.


  • πŸ–‡πŸŸAdd Fish Singularity

    Fish Singularity is a singularity crafted from Empty Singularity and required for automatic fishing machines.

    To craft you need around ~4 fishes all of 17 kinds of raw fish, or way more if you do not provide big variety of fish types.

  • πŸ–‡πŸŸLower all [fish] usages

    Now, almost all recipes accept , which can be multiplied x4 from one fish.

    Also, some recipes was tweaker to require less fishes.

  • πŸ–‡πŸŸMake all auto-fishers require Singularity

    Since usage of fish is low, there is barely no requirment to mass-fishing anything.

    This will encourage using more complicated setups rather than 1-block solutions.

  • πŸ–‡βœοΈAdd recipes

    Now all Troll's weapons SMASHING entities and drop appropriate x4 Grinded Meat when match possible.
    For example, killing [Sheep] will drop instead of [Mutton], equal to x4 of original quantity.

  • πŸ–‡βœοΈ add to listAllfishcooked for more recipe usages

    Also add all other TH meat nuggets to listAllmeatcooked list.

  • πŸ–‡βœοΈ add alt recipe

πŸ› Fixes

  • πŸ–‡β›‘οΈfix Portal Spread used to dupe
  • πŸ–‡βœοΈfix potion of growth and scattering have same recipe
  • πŸ–‡βœοΈfix rare error message related to NC melter
  • πŸ–‡πŸŽ’ remove from BackpackOpener
  • πŸ–‡πŸ”„Make smaller gui to fit HEI bookmarks
  • πŸ–‡πŸ¦―Thaumcraft related fixes

    Contributed by TabakaSIM

    • Fixed aquamarine aspects
    • Removed aspects from unused bronze items
    • Updated quest info about infernal furnace
    • Make sonus aspect replaceable if ThAd was removed
    • Removed spider scan in golems research (for peaceful run)
    • Added extra entry about mithminite

      Now players should be less confused about researches that are about tinker's version of mithminite research

    • Changed recipes of awakened ichorium armor

      Now each type require 4 addtionals items:

      • Botania quartz type
      • Thaumcraft related bauble
      • Item that is realated to armor, but can be aquired from trading with villagers
      • One extra item
  • πŸ–‡πŸ›£οΈadd BM Ritual Stones to excavate groups

    Now easier to pick up multiblock rituals


  • πŸ–‡βœοΈbuff Eldritch Will ritual will output x10


  • πŸ–‡πŸ“ add TOP, Gendustry and ThermalLogistic
  • πŸ–‡πŸ“Add tip about Patchouli+HEI integration


  • πŸ–‡πŸ“– add note that "only 1 of a type required"
  • πŸ–‡πŸ“–Fix had no requirments

Mods changes

🟒 Added Mods

Icon Summary Reason
TheOneSmeagle theonesmeagle-1.12-1.0.5.jar
A fork of The One Probe, meant to be a more immersive version of WAILA/HWYLA
Better replacement of WAILA
TOP Addons topaddons-1.12.2-1.13.0.jar
Adds mod support to The One Probe by McJty
(TOP addon)
Thaumic One Probe thaumic-one-probe-1.12.2-1.0.0.jar
adds TOP displays for various thaumcraft apparatus
(TOP addon)
Patchouli Books patchoulibooks-0.2.2.jar
An add-on to Patchouli for 1.12.2
Added guides for mods like Thermal Logistics
Mod Name Tooltip modnametooltip_1.12.2-1.10.1.jar
Minecraft mod that shows an ItemStack's mod name on its tooltip.
Required after removing WAILA

πŸ”΄ Removed Mods

Icon Summary Reason
Hwyla Hwyla-1.8.26-B41_1.12.2.jar
Hwyla (Here's What You're Looking At) is a UI improvement mod aimed at providing block information directly in-game. It is also a fork of Waila.
Replaced by TheOneProbe
Waila Harvestability WailaHarvestability-mc1.12-1.1.12.jar
An add-on for Waila that adds information about the harvestability of what you are looking at
(WAILA addon)
Wawla - What Are We Looking At Wawla-1.12.2-2.6.275.jar
Waila/Hwyla addon which adds all the info.
(WAILA addon)
Jade πŸ” Jade-0.1.0.jar
Shows information about what you are looking at. (Hwyla/WAILA fork for Minecraft 1.16+)
(WAILA addon)

🟑 Updated Mods

Icon Summary Old / New
Storage Drawers StorageDrawers-1.12.2-5.5.3
Xaero's Minimap Xaeros_Minimap_24.6.1_Forge_1.12
PackagedAuto PackagedAuto-1.12.2-
Xaero's World Map XaerosWorldMap_1.39.2_Forge_1.12
Zen Utils zenutils-1.21.4
RLMixins RLMixins-1.3.14
Alfheim Lighting Engine Alfheim-1.5-Dev-1
Thaumic Tinkerer Unofficial thaumictinkerer-1.12.2-5.7.2-Unofficial
Advanced Rocketry - Reworked AdvancedRocketry-1.12.2-2.1.4-8
Integrated Derivative integratedderivative-1.1.1
Fluid Interaction Tweaker fluidintetweaker-1.5.0
Backpack Display backpackdisplay-1.6.0